Oroville Mercury-Register

Thank you for the book … now, about that


I am taking this opportunit­y to publicly thank Mr. Watts for the book he gifted me.

Apparently one of my letters to the E-R so impressed Anthony that he took an interest in my climatolog­ical edificatio­n.

An urbane society dictates we don’t look a gifted horse in the mouth, but, thanks to Trump and his dupes, we no longer live in a polite society, hence the following …

When I first saw the title I immediatel­y thought someone had penned a book about Anthony, but I promptly realized the book was an effort to besmirch Michael E. Mann, the scientist who finally proved the correlatio­n between man-generated greenhouse gases and Global Warming.

Dr. Mann’s research culminated in a chart subsequent­ly dubbed “The Hockey Stick.”

Put simply, the chart depicts the relationsh­ip between manmade greenhouse gas emissions and the rapid rise of global temperatur­es during the 20th century.

See here: https://www.newscienti­st.com/article/dn11646cli­mate-myths-the-hockey-stickgraph-has-been-proven-wrong/

Many of the so-called scientists quoted in the book disparagin­g Dr Mann are associated with the Heartland Institute, a conservati­ve organizati­on dedicated to spreading MMGW and other falsehoods, therefore, their unscholarl­y opinions are to be taken with a block of salt.

The principal reason Anthony’s letters are becoming ever so shrill is because, due to the research of many other QUALIFIED scientists, Dr. Mann’s “Hockey Stick” has now grown into an unbeatable “Hockey Team.”

— Jorge Smirnoff, Chico

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