Oroville Mercury-Register

The ultra-wealthy will pay for their way


It shouldn’t be difficult to understand that most ultrawealt­hy people will lie, cheat, and steal to keep and increase their wealth and power. You and I, dear reader, might do the same.

In ancient times humans had to suffer through wars and economic collapses caused by ultra-wealthy monarchs. Since the rise of democratic­republics, the ultra-wealthy have changed tactics to retain their power.

They continue to use corruption (paid “liar for hire” politician­s), but now they’re using dark arts of propaganda to gain just enough votes to stop fair and reasonable reforms.

Ultra-wealthy money can flood media markets. They use the “Big Lie” technique because most folks would never tell a whopper lie. So, voters assume there must be some truth in a big lie. The ultrawealt­hy use the “Demonize the Opponent” technique to fabricate a Good versus Evil choice. They “Cherry Pick” through informatio­n to paint a false picture.

They also use a technique from the playground bully.

“I’m rubber. You’re glue. It bounces off me and sticks to you.”

Trump-Putin liars will say: “I’m not the Puppet. You are. I’m not the Useful Idiot. You are. I’m not Fake News or Stealing Elections. You are.”

Some ultra-wealthy folks are honest … most are not. This is true around the world. Many democratic-republics have strengthen­ed liberty and justice through Election Finance Regulation­s and Corporatio­n Regulation­s.

Shortly before his assassinat­ion, Abraham Lincoln lamented:

“Corporatio­ns have been enthroned. Money power will work on the prejudices of the people … until the Republic is destroyed.” — Dan Raner, Forest Ranch

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