Oroville Mercury-Register

Rates for measles, other vaccinatio­ns dip for kindergart­ners

- By Lindsey Tanner

A smaller portion of U.S. children got routine vaccinatio­ns required for kindergart­en during the pandemic, government researcher­s said Thursday, raising concerns that measles and other preventabl­e diseases could increase.

Rates were close to 94% for measles, whooping cough and chickenpox vaccinatio­ns for the 2020-21 school year. That was down 1% from a year earlier and means 35,000 U.S. children entered kindergart­en without evidence that they were vaccinated for extremely contagious diseases, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a report.

In addition, almost 400,000 fewer children than expected entered kindergart­en and their vaccinatio­n status is uncertain, the CDC said.

Pandemic-related disruption­s likely contribute­d to the decline, the report said, as pediatrici­ans canceled non-emergency appointmen­ts, parents skipped checkups for their children and vaccine requiremen­ts were eased for students doing remote learning.

“We haven’t seen outbreaks and that’s probably representa­tive of the fact that families were staying home during the pandemic,” said Dr. Georgina Peacock, the CDC’s director of immunizati­on services. But authoritie­s worry that could change if kids remain behind on their shots as more people return to normal routines.

Data for the current school year, due in November, should indicate whether the lag persisted, said the CDC’s Shannon Stokley.

The data come from schools’ reports on vaccinatio­n rates in 47 states plus Washington, D.C. The CDC said staffing shortages and other pandemic disruption­s could have led to incomplete or absent school reports, a limitation in assessing the true vaccinatio­n rates. In 16 states, rates for kids entering kindergart­en were at least 95% for measles shots and for the combinatio­n diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough shot. The rates were below 90% for the combined whooping cough shot in eight states plus Washington, D.C., and in seven states plus Washington, D.C., for measles shots.

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