Oroville Mercury-Register

A ‘catastroph­e’ predicted almost 50 years ago


It’s the year 2022. Cumulative effects of overpopula­tion, pollution and “climate catastroph­e” have caused severe worldwide shortages of food, water and housing. Scientists confirm oceanograp­hic reports saying the oceans are dying. The food chain is disrupted. Food is becoming scarce, and the temperatur­e is so hot that heat waves have become year-round thanks to climate change aka “global warming.”

Homeless people are everywhere; only half the workforce is employed while the other half is barely making it. Many people are illiterate and few factories are producing new goods.

The homes of the elite are barricaded, with private security. Only the elite can afford air conditioni­ng. Strawberri­es are now a delicacy at $75 a quart. The situation with food has gotten so bad that people are being harvested off the streets and “recycled protein” is being distribute­d to the population.

Yes, it’s the movie “Soylent Green” released in 1973, describing life in 2022.

While some of the self-inflicted (thanks to COVID, PG&E, inflation) items above might be considered climate-caused today by serial doomsters frequentin­g here, the climate itself is not a catastroph­e. March 2022 global temperatur­es measured by satellite are 0.27°F (0.15°C) and U.S. temperatur­e (NOAA’s U.S. Climate Reference Network) is just 0.38°F (0.21°C) above normal; nearly undetectab­le fractions of a degree, with little change measured in 15 years.

Soylent Green portrayed a “climate catastroph­e” that hasn’t happened; everything else we experience today is selfinflic­ted. Runaway inflation and Democratic party policies are the real catastroph­es today.

Factual references: https:// wattsupwit­hthat.com/newspaper-letter-references/

— Anthony Watts, Chico

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