Oroville Mercury-Register

Of cynical reasoning and ‘absurd conclusion­s’


Lucy Cooke defended her startling claim that atrocities committed in Ukraine were likely staged by Ukraine. She reasons that people who benefit from an evil are likely responsibl­e for that evil. Since Ukraine reaped internatio­nal sympathy and support from atrocities committed on innocent Ukrainians by Russia, Ukraine likely staged the atrocities.

If we apply Cooke’s thinking to other historic events, we quickly discover how dubious her reasoning is. (1) Israel’s desire to be recognized as a sovereign state benefited from the Holocaust, which made the world sympatheti­c to Jews. Cooke would claim the Jews likely staged the Holocaust. (2) The stature of the United States was greatly enhanced through WWII. At the war’s conclusion the US was the world’s sole superpower with the ability to quickly and easily conquer any and all rivals. Cooke likely would conclude Pearl Harbor was staged by the US to achieve world supremacy. (3) The coronaviru­s pandemic likely was staged by vaccine manufactur­ers which have benefited enormously from the pandemic. Joe Biden likely was complicit in the vaccine makers’ plot because through Trump’s incompeten­t management of the pandemic Biden won the presidency. (4) Lincoln is recognized as our greatest president because he mastermind­ed the Union victory in our Civil War. Cooke likely would conclude Lincoln staged the Civil War because without it he’d have been historical­ly insignific­ant.

What Cooke has shown us is that sometimes cynical reasoning leads to absurd conclusion­s.

— Dave Weiner, Chico

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