Oroville Mercury-Register

Shooter’s brain exams to be subject of hearing

- By Terry Spencer

FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. » A defense mental health expert in the penalty trial of Florida school shooter Nikolas Cruz can pinpoint when he realized the 23-year- old mass murderer still has “irrational thoughts” — the two were making small talk when Cruz began describing plans for an eventual life outside prison.

Wesley Center, a Texas counselor, said that happened last year at the Broward County jail as he fitted Cruz’s scalp with probes for a scan to map his brain. The defense at hearings this week will try to convince Circuit Judge Elizabeth Scherer that Center and other experts should be allowed to testify at Cruz’s ongoing trial about what their tests showed, something the prosecutio­n wants barred.

“He had some sort of epiphany while he was in ( jail) that would focus his thoughts on being able to help people,” transcript­s show Center told prosecutor­s during a pretrial interview this year. “His life’s purpose was to be helping others.”

Cruz, of course, will never be free. Since his arrest about an hour after he murdered 14 students and three staff members at Parkland’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 14, 2018, there has never been any doubt his remaining years would be behind bars, sentenced to death or life without parole. Surveillan­ce video shows him mowing down his victims with an AR-15-style semiautoma­tic rifle and he confessed, eventually pleading guilty in October.

Prosecutor­s made their argument for death to the seven- man, five- woman jury and 10 alternates over three weeks, resting their case Aug. 4 after the panel toured the still-bloodstain­ed, bullet-pocked classroom building where the massacre happened.

The jurors also watched graphic surveillan­ce videos; saw gruesome crime scene and autopsy photos; received emotional testimony from teachers and students who witnessed others die; and heard from tearful and angry parents, spouses and other family members about the victims and how their loved one’s death impacted their lives. They watched video of the former Stoneman Douglas student calmly ordering an Icee minutes after the shooting and, nine months later, attacking a jail guard.

Soon, it will be Cruz’s attorneys arguing why he should be spared, hoping to convince at least one juror their mitigating factors outweigh the prosecutio­n’s aggravatin­g circumstan­ces — a death sentence must be unanimous.

But first, the trial took last week off to accommodat­e some jurors’ requests to deal with personal matters. The jury will also be absent this week as the sides argue before Scherer, who will decide whether brain scans, tests and other evidence the defense wants to present starting Aug.

22 is scientific­ally valid or junk, as the prosecutio­n contends.

Center’s test and its findings will be subject to contentiou­s debate. Called a “quantitati­ve electroenc­ephalogram” or “qEEG,” its backers say it provides useful support to such diagnoses as fetal alcohol syndrome, which Cruz’s attorneys contend created his lifelong mental and emotional problems.

EEGs have been common in medicine for a century, measuring brainwaves to help doctors diagnose epilepsy and other brain ailments. But the qEEG analysis, which has been around since the 1970s, goes a step farther — a patient’s EEG results are compared to a database of brainwaves taken from normal or “neurotypic­al” people. While qEEG findings cannot be used to make a diagnosis, they can support findings based on the patient’s history, examinatio­n, behavior and other tests, supporters contend.

A “qEEG can confirm what you already know, but you can’t create new knowledge,” Center told prosecutor­s in his interview.

Dr. Charles Epstein, an Emory University neurology professor, reviewed Center’s findings for the prosecutio­n. In a written statement to Scherer, he said EEGs using only external scalp probes like the one given Cruz are imprecise, making Center’s qEEG results worthless.

“Garbage in, garbage out,” he wrote.

Florida judges have given mixed rulings about allowing qEEGs since 2010, when the test helped a Miamiarea man escape a death sentence for fatally stabbing his wife and severely wounding her mentally disabled 11-year- old daughter. Some judges have since allowed their admission, while others barred them. Scherer, who is overseeing her first death penalty trial, has never had a case where the defense tried to present a qEEG report.

Even if Scherer bars the test, lead defense attorney Melisa McNeill and her team still have evidence that Cruz’s brain likely suffered damage in the womb, including statements by his late birth mother that she abused alcohol and cocaine during pregnancy.

 ?? MIKE STOCKER — SOUTH FLORIDA SUN-SENTINEL VIA AP, FILE ?? Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooter Nikolas Cruz listens to testimony while seated at the defense table during the penalty phase of his trial at the Broward County Courthouse, Friday, July 22, 2022, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
MIKE STOCKER — SOUTH FLORIDA SUN-SENTINEL VIA AP, FILE Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooter Nikolas Cruz listens to testimony while seated at the defense table during the penalty phase of his trial at the Broward County Courthouse, Friday, July 22, 2022, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

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