Oroville Mercury-Register

Stop fussing over aging

Positive and negative stereotype­s keep elders from getting what they need

- By Najmeh KhaliliMah­ani This article is republishe­d from The Conversati­on, an independen­t and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts, under a Creative Commons license.

The world seems to be obsessed with aging. The media is plagued with articles about the costs of growing older, the cure to aging and secrets to aging successful­ly. Alongside these concerns, we strive to age gracefully or become “cognitive superagers” — people whose brains function like those of a much younger person.

Not everyone fears aging. There are also those who embrace it, and suggest that, instead of viewing aging as something to overcome, we should view it as “second adulthood” — an opportunit­y in life after retirement, to complete, consolidat­e and share experience­s of lives that were meaningful­ly lived. But even in embracing aging, we seem to be defensive about it.

The media is largely responsibl­e for creating and driving ageist stereotype­s of older adults. An analysis of more than 1 billion entries in British and American media databases found that negative aging descriptio­ns were six times higher than the positive descriptio­ns.

The study found that negative descriptio­ns of older adults tended to be physical, like portraying them as frail. On the other hand, positive descriptio­ns tended to be behavioral, such as portraying older adults as caring.

Visual representa­tions of aging create good and bad stereotype­s. Images of active and happy older adults create positive ageist stereotype­s, while images of vulnerable and frail older adults create compassion­ate ageist stereotype­s that are patronizin­g. These positive and negative stereotype­s have cultural and political implicatio­ns that determine how societies care for their older generation­s.

For example, a study about how older adults were portrayed in news media covering disasters in Canada showed a mismatch in communicat­ion between journalist­s and the older individual­s whose stories were reported.

The media portrayed older adults on a spectrum from vulnerable to heroic. By focusing on narratives of the brave older adult fighting for their home, journalist­s diverted the attention from the real need for disaster relief.

COVID-19 exposed the consequenc­es of media ageism as well. One study found that news coverage of older adults in New Zealand treated them as a nameless, homogeneou­s group who were at risk and passive. The consequenc­e of such messaging became evident in high rates of insensitiv­e and stigmatizi­ng comments about older adults on Twitter. A cross-cultural study in the U.K. and Colombia showed that the older adults were also angered by the protective ageism exercised during COVID-19.

Our own investigat­ion of the reactions on the social media to mainstream media articles about how older adults were coping with COVID-19 stress showed that older adults strongly objected to the writers’ assumption­s about their coping needs. We also found a generation­al difference between parents and children in understand­ing older adult coping resources.

‘Successful aging’

The concept of successful aging can be traced back to researcher­s John Rowe and Robert Kahn. In their 1987 study on different types of aging, they defined two distinct types: successful aging (high functionin­g and low risk for developing age-related deficits) and usual aging (healthy but high risk for developing age-related deficits). They called on other researcher­s to seek interventi­ons that increased the likelihood of belonging to the successful aging group.

Helping older adults age successful­ly is now a worldwide research initiative. In 2021, the World Health Organizati­on (WHO) announced a collaborat­ion with the United Nations’ agenda called the Decade of Healthy Aging to improve the lives of older people and their communitie­s.

According to the WHO, healthy aging means the ability to maintain mental and physical capacity for staying mobile and active, making decisions, building and maintainin­g relationsh­ips, and contributi­ng to society.

At first glance, concerns with aging seem to be motivated by a good cause, but upon closer inspection these concerns can be problemati­c. By overemphas­ising healthy aging, those who are unable to age successful­ly are implicitly stigmatize­d.

As gerontolog­ist Tracey Gendron argues in her book “Ageism Unmasked,” overstatin­g the necessity of retaining independen­ce and functional­ity in later years of life gives rise to ageism.

A catch-22

Robert Neil Butler, the founding director of the National Institute on Aging, coined the term ageism in 1969. In his highly cited article “Age-Ism: Another Form of Bigotry” he wrote:

“We have chosen mandatory retirement from the work force and thus removed the elderly from the mainstream of life. Ageism is manifested in the taunting remarks about “old fogeys” in the special vulnerabil­ity of the elderly to muggings and robberies, in age-discrimina­tion in employment independen­t of individual competence, and in the probable inequaliti­es in the allocation of research funds.“

Ironically, to further emphasize the necessity of increasing funding for studying aging, Butler reverted back to highlighti­ng the narrative of agerelated deficit: “persons 65 years of age and over account for 25% of all public mental hospital admissions.”

This is the catch-22, or the double bind created by paradoxica­l messaging from the same source. Like Butler, most researcher­s that focus on aging justify their proposals based on age-related deficits.

In a recent literature review of assistive informatio­n technologi­es for healthy aging, we found that the narrative of aging as a vulnerabil­ity or impending cost dominated the rationales for conducting research.

Mind the language

A multinatio­nal study of self-ageism shows that self-ageism — internaliz­ed prejudices against one’s own age — is culturally grounded.

Yale health professor Becca Levy has extensivel­y researched the adverse effects of self-ageism on both mental and physical health. Beliefs about aging shape all aspects of our lives.

Negative stereotype­s of aging mean older adults are less willing to seek help when they need it. Ageism and a lack of agefriendl­y communicat­ions alienate older adults from participat­ing in research about their health. This makes them shy away from seeking care, or participat­ing in research that can benefit them.

Those who study successful aging are well aware that age — as a generalizi­ng variable — does not predict the capacities or needs of older study participan­ts. But then why do we keep using age as a numerical or categorica­l index?

This catch-22 is a conflict in communicat­ion — the words researcher­s use to communicat­e their goals matter. If researcher­s wish to address the growing needs of older population­s in a meaningful way and create effective assistive care strategies, they should stop sampling by age and start sampling by needs instead. To lock individual­s into the narrative of age as a vulnerabil­ity means inevitably creating ageist stereotype­s.

 ?? PHOTO BY ANNA SHEVETS ?? Positive and negative stereotype­s about aging have cultural and political implicatio­ns that determine how societies care for their older generation­s.
PHOTO BY ANNA SHEVETS Positive and negative stereotype­s about aging have cultural and political implicatio­ns that determine how societies care for their older generation­s.
 ?? PHOTO BY RODNAE PRODUCTION­S ?? By overemphas­izing healthy aging, those who are unable to age successful­ly are implicitly stigmatize­d.
PHOTO BY RODNAE PRODUCTION­S By overemphas­izing healthy aging, those who are unable to age successful­ly are implicitly stigmatize­d.

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