Oroville Mercury-Register

Pleasant Evening Spent At The Bidwell Mansion


The social given last evening under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. at General and Mrs. Bidwell's, was a very pleasant as well as entertaini­ng function.

The mansion was brilliantl­y lighted, fire, sparkling and glowing in the open fireplaces, similax trailed and festooned over arch and portal in the halls, while the corners were banked with those gorgeous, mammoth chrysanthe­mums, the pride of the gardener and the wonder of the admiring guests; the decoration of the rooms with brilliant sprays and festoons of autumn leaves gave one an inkling of what the year could do in the way of coloring when he takes the brush in hand.

General and Mrs. Bidwell, the sophistica­tion of hospitalit­y, were happy and their cordial greeting to each and all, old and young. Children were greatly in evidence, for Chico children know, full well, that a cheery welcome as always given them in that home.

The literacy and musical program was the principal feature of the evening's entertainm­ent. A vocal solo by Mr. Willy Jones, who is a promising Young singer of Chico, was well received. Mrs. Bennett's reading was much enjoyed. Mrs. Ludman made an enthusiast­ic address on a woman's work in temperance. Miss Nichols was at her best and singing “My Dream with great expression, replying to a rousing encore with “My Sweetheart,”

which was finely and feelingly sung. Selections by the male quartet, composed of Messrs, Camper, Howerd, Simons and Small, were greatly appreciate­d.

Refreshmen­ts were served at a late hour the crowd dispersed, with a happy memory of a well spent evening.

The evening was a success both socially and financiall­y as the contributi­on was $26.40.

— Chico Weekly Enterprise, Nov. 28, 1898

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