Oroville Mercury-Register

Dad of trans daughter pushes past his prejudice

- By Heather Hollingswo­rth

SMITHVILLE, MO. >> Before his transgende­r daughter was suspended after using the girls' bathroom at her Missouri high school. Before the bullying and the suicide attempts. Before she dropped out. Before all that, Dusty Farr was — in his own words — “a full-on bigot.” By which he meant that he was eager to steer clear of anyone LGBTQ+.

Now, though, after everything, he says he wouldn't much care if his 16-year-old daughter — and he proudly calls her that — told him she was an alien. Because she is alive.

“When it was my child, it just flipped a switch. And it was like a wake-up,” says Farr, who is suing the Platte County School District on Kansas City's outskirts.

Looking back, Farr figures his daughter, the youngest of five, started feeling out of place in her own body when she was just 6 or 7. But he didn't see it, even as they fished and camped together.

Then when she was 12, she started to steer away from him, spending more time with the rest of the family. It lasted for a few months before she came out. He knows now how hard this was. “Growing up,” he says, “my kids knew how I felt.”

His wife, whom he described as less sheltered, was on board immediatel­y. Him, not so much.

“Given the way I was raised, a conservati­ve fire and brimstone Baptist, LGBTQ

is a sin, you're going to hell. And these were things, unfortunat­ely, that I said to my daughter,” Farr says. “I'm kind of ashamed to say that.”

They bumped heads, their relationsh­ip strained. In desperatio­n, he turned to God and then it hit him: “She's a girl.”


His daughter, who is named only by her initials of R.F. in the lawsuit, was stunned. He had been, she recalls, “to say it nicely, very annoying.” Now everything was different.

“There was this electricit­y in me that was just, it felt like pure joy,” she recalled as she played with her dog at a park in February. Her father was with her.

She, her father and her attorneys asked that she

remain anonymous because she is unnamed in the lawsuit and to protect her from discrimina­tion.

She was diagnosed with gender dysphoria, or distress caused when gender identity doesn't match a person's assigned sex. She grew out her hair and began taking drugs to delay puberty — a common treatment.

Farr says things returned to normal — for the most part. But then came high school. “And,” Farr says, “anything I did to her, school was 10 times worse.”

The 2021-22 school year had just started when the assistant principal pulled his daughter aside. According to the suit filed last year, the administra­tor said students must use the restroom of their sex designated at birth or a single gender-neutral bathroom.

The district disputes that happened.

Another employee, the suit said, took it further and told her using the girls' bathroom was against the law. The district disputed that happened, too.

The thing is, there isn't a law — at least, not in Missouri.

While more than 10 states have enacted laws over bathroom use, Missouri is not one of them. What Missouri has done is impose a ban on genderaffi­rming care. For bathrooms, it leaves policy debate to local districts.


“Asinine” is how Farr described the whole wave of restrictio­ns, while acknowledg­ing in the same breath that he probably would have supported them a decade ago. “Kind of makes me dislike myself a little bit.”

He figured it was all just a way to intimidate her. His daughter didn't understand: “It kind of just made me feel hopeless in my education,” she recalls thinking.

The gender-neutral bathroom was far from her classes and often had long lines, the suit says. She, as a freshman, was missing class, and teachers were lecturing her. So she used the girls' restroom. Verbal reprimands were followed by a one day in-school suspension and then a two-day, out-of-school suspension, the suit says.

“Your policy is dumb,” Farr recalled telling the school, which argued in its response to his lawsuit that his daughter was eating lunch in the girls' restroom.

His daughter started using the boys' restroom. One day, a classmate approached and told another student, “Maybe I should rape her,” the suit said.

Beyond angry now, Farr called not just the school but the ACLU. The district acknowledg­ed the incident, saying a student made a “highly inappropri­ate” comment about rape and was discipline­d. By now, Farr's daughter was afraid to go to school.

He described it as “a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.”

The district sees it differentl­y, writing in a court filing that “there were numerous factors and circumstan­ces in R.F.'s life, unrelated to school, which may have caused emotional harm, depression and anxiety.”

 ?? CHARLIE RIEDEL — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Feb. 25. ?? Dusty Farr talks with his transgende­r daughter at a park near Smithville, Mo., on
CHARLIE RIEDEL — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Feb. 25. Dusty Farr talks with his transgende­r daughter at a park near Smithville, Mo., on

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