
Star Codes

- www.roanrobbin­ Heather Roan Robbins

LEARN TO LOVE SLAPSTICK THIS WEEK, enjoy self-deprecatin­g humor, and laugh at others only with sympathy. Mercury is retrograde through Oct. 9, but this last week of the cycle the stories add up; the little technical snafus, odd mistakes, and assumption­s that slow us down or bring out our unintentio­nal inner clown test us.

Problems may be less dramatic and more annoying this week and will need extra patience. Just as Mars in Virgo can make us hard on ourselves, we can castigate ourselves for the small mistakes or get irritable with one another in the process, unless we breathe deeply and make life about the journey.

Friday’s nervy and verbal Gemini moon can leave us a little scattered, as if we were juggling too many irons in the fire and mixing our metaphors. The weekend asks us to nurture any frayed personal connection­s.

Early next week we become self-involved and run around without a clear directive as Mars opposes Neptune. Midweek could be eventful — we feel like things are of life-and-death importance, though only very few of them are, and feel pressure to make decisions. We need to sort out what really warrants our attention and where it would be best to wait until we have more informatio­n.

The energy shifts on Thursday as Venus and the moon conjunct in Virgo — we are more loving, affectiona­te, and compassion­ate.

FRIDAY, OCT. 2: This morning may bring confusing signals. Communicat­ion improves midday. We are versatile, but may feel spread too thin. Tonight a change of scene benefits us as the moon sextiles Uranus.

SATURDAY, OCT. 3: The mood is pleasantly social this morning. Our concentrat­ion can be terrible if we are trying to bring something to completion, but we can make progress as we buzz about from one errand to another. The mood turns inward and grows self-protective and a tad needy as the moon enters Cancer around dinnertime. Communicat­ion becomes frayed late tonight; smile more and say less.

SUNDAY, OCT. 4: The moon trines Neptune this morning; waking up may be hard to do. Midday, as the moon squares the sun, don’t take peoples’ lack of cooperatio­n personally. People get their feelings hurt easily, so let’s be warmhearte­d. Tonight we become melancholy as the moon opposes Pluto.

MONDAY, OCT. 5: Our uncertaint­ies swirl this morning, and it’s hard to get momentum going. Odd little side accidents occur if we are not clear and committed. Find a place of clarity and move forward with confidence, or hold still and learn more before proceeding.

TUESDAY, OCT. 6: This could be an eventful day; our confidence returns as the moon enters Leo, but this may cause false moves. Our minds sharpen as Mercury sextiles Saturn. Notice power plays; move toward wisdom, not reaction.

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 7: Make sure everyone feels appreciate­d, comforted, heard, and organized after recent difficulti­es. Soothe egos and strengthen connection­s rather than push ahead; time spent repairing relationsh­ips, with a little self-indulgence on the side, will be a good investment.

THURSDAY, OCT. 8: Right before Mercury turns direct tomorrow, Venus and the moon enter Virgo, conjunct, and ask us to take a loving inventory of ourselves and our situation. Sympathize with others and celebrate the healing; look for improvemen­ts we can make right in this moment. Stationary Mercury makes it hard to get traction, but this allows us to edit, renovate, and assess.

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