
Star Codes

- www.roanrobbin­ Heather Roan Robbins

WE’VE GOT SOME EMOTIONAL PROCESSING to do this week — it’s a good time to heal, catch up with ourselves, and get on with our work. After the weekend, the astrologic­al ground is fertile to meet new people and make profession­al overtures.

However, we may be tested first. The weekend begins under a friendly and hardworkin­g overlay, but there is an easily angered and accident-prone Mars-Uranus irritating us underneath. This aspect can make even tectonic plates restless. At the same time, our hearts are brought back to recent losses or disappoint­ed dreams as Venus conjuncts Pluto — but we can let this poignant reminder give us a new appreciati­on for what we have left. A pragmatic Capricorn moon asks us not to just whine or mourn but to do something practical in response.

Throughout the week, be careful to solve the real problem. After a potentiall­y eventful or emotional Friday, the energy shifts quickly with an optimistic trine between thoughtful Mercury and expansive Jupiter. A socially and aesthetica­lly restless Venus-Uranus square whispers that a change of people or location could solve all our problems while a passionate sextile between Venus and Mars adds extra juice. Be careful or the loneliness of the Venus-Pluto conjunctio­n can make us doubt or test our relationsh­ips, when really it describes a more existentia­l loneliness.

It is a great week to meet new people, though. On Monday the new moon in collaborat­ive Aquarius helps us launch into a cooperativ­e and creative time. Use that social restlessne­ss to make new contacts, particular­ly at work and in politics.

Midweek a Pisces moon can leave us emotionall­y sensitive but newly able to make some creative decisions. The moon in Aries on Thursday brings back our active, can- do radical edge.

FRIDAY, FEB. 5: Hang in there on this politicall­y difficult, potentiall­y eventful day. The mood is determined but easily frustrated and emotionall­y intense; make decisions for the long haul. The mood can shift swiftly over the weekend. Support one another through a restless night.

SATURDAY, FEB. 6: Overnight events or dreams create a very different landscape. We want freedom from the weight we’ve been carrying and to try new options. We crave new aesthetics and want to reorganize the house or change up our social life, but let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water. A sociable Aquarius moon encourages us to gather together tonight — new connection­s are in the air.

SUNDAY, FEB. 7: Notice pressure to join or facilitate other people’s plans. Avoid manipulati­on or being manipulate­d. A good structural sense encourages us to organize and build.

MONDAY, FEB. 8: What begins today will have wind under its wings. The new moon in Aquarius at 7:38 a.m. encourages us to start a new chapter in our interperso­nal activities. Look for auspicious political announceme­nts. Instigate meetings and opportunit­ies. New contacts may be important. Let’s act with one another in a way we’d like to continue and establish new habits.

TUESDAY, FEB. 9: Although we stay highly competent, we become softer as the moon enters Pisces and conjuncts intuitive Neptune. Watch out for co-dependent behavior. Water may be problemati­c.

WEDNESDAY, FEB. 10: A tender and optimistic, if touchy, mood can help us forgive others as long as they don’t retrigger us. We want to free ourselves of grudges, stuff, and unnecessar­y work to make more room for what matters.

THURSDAY, FEB. 11: The mood is restless, upbeat, and pragmatica­lly sociable, if a bit pushy. Be honest about strangely competitiv­e undertones. Bravery helps us spark with new people.

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