
Star Codes

- www.roanrobbin­ Heather Roan Robbins

THIS VALENTINE’S DAY, with Venus in industriou­s Capricorn, one might get away with giving computer parts or some other highly practical present to a beloved. Let those presents be thoughtful even if they’re useful. Capricorn encourages us to be goal oriented.

Friday brings some contrary moments as an impatient Aries moon conjuncts Uranus and challenges Venus. With that marvelous inconsiste­ncy that is human nature, we will resist being controlled but be tempted to try and control others.

The mood calms down and grows cuddly over the weekend as the moon works through earthy Taurus. With the sun and Mercury in Aquarius, we can build up ideal abstract expectatio­ns around Valentine’s Day and then have trouble enjoying what actually happens because they don’t match our ideals.

After an emotional beginning of the year, we are ready to roll. There are fewer distractio­ns and more support for our goals this week. The aspects will be satisfying if we know what we are here to do. Mercury joins the sun in Aquarius on Sunday, and Venus follows on Tuesday, and asks us to take our work out to the community.

Communicat­ion rocks early next week under a talkative Gemini moon. But with more human inconsiste­ncy, we may interrupt others and yet be irritated by interrupti­ons ourselves. By the end of the week, a Cancer moon pulls us inward. Take some quiet time so as not to feel spread too thin. Old trust issues can bug us — just be dependable and the train will get back on track.

FRIDAY, FEB. 12: We’re both sensitive and prone to an oblivious streak under an abrupt Aries moon. Let a sense of urgency kick things into gear this morning. Midday, help only where it’s actually needed, as people resist being managed. Evening can be funny, energized, and opinionate­d, but not intimate.

SATURDAY, FEB. 13: Morning meanders as the moon enters earthy Taurus. Confidence and a positive attitude are helpful this afternoon as Mars sextiles Jupiter. We can be subtly but surprising­ly competitiv­e and possessive. Stay f lexible and responsive. Cheer up those who need it this evening.

SUNDAY, FEB. 14: Let go of self- consciousn­ess and show love to the community as the moon trines Pluto this morning. Midday, be generous, but catch codependen­t patterns and break that cycle. Afternoon and evening are warm and friendly as a comfortabl­e Taurus moon forms a grand trine with Jupiter and Venus. Choose to see the best in one another.

MONDAY, FEB. 15: Write poetry, work on that book, and get that report in under a verbal Gemini moon. Make overtures for future work. The mood is alert if distractib­le this morning; the afternoon wanders a bit. Rest tonight and start again tomorrow.

TUESDAY, FEB. 16: After morning delays, the conversati­on picks up speed this afternoon. Share news but avoid gossip. Tonight, sleep can be challengin­g if the mind buzzes.

WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17: We can be testy this morning. We are tempted to bring up an old hurt, but it wouldn’t be productive as the moon enters sensitive Cancer. When in doubt, mother one another.

THURSDAY, FEB. 18: Engage the imaginatio­n this morning, but don’t push people out of a shy spell as the moon trines Neptune. Feelings are a little raw this evening — tough memories can trigger insecuriti­es. Only deal with today’s problems as the moon opposes Pluto.

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