
Star Codes


LET’S ENJOY THE COZINESS of the sun in Taurus combined with the casual conversati­on stimulated by the present Venus in Gemini. A move to make big changes surfaces — both in the desire to make necessary adjustment­s, and to change a few things just because. Mercury squares depressing Pluto on Monday, then sidles up to conjunct Uranus, the cosmic clutch that allows us to change gears the following week. Let’s not waste this opportunit­y.

Although comforting, our thinking races with mental Mercury now in sparky Aries; quick reflexes and a tendency to jump to conclusion­s are featured. Mercury can also affect everything about our breathing and nervous systems. Seek fresh air, but let’s also keep our cools.

As Mercury approaches a square to intense Pluto early next week, it brings to mind our trouble spots. Old ghosts can conjure depressing thoughts, but we don’t have to resign ourselves. Get those power tools working this weekend, but remember to put safety first.

Early next week, we may need to scrap a plan in order to create room for new growth. Look at and prepare for our worst-case scenarios. Don’t give up, but do get realistic, though it may feel like a fine line between the two. Let go of unnecessar­y anxieties; look for what really needs to be changed.

FRIDAY, MAY 4: Make hay while the competent Capricorn moon conjuncts serious Saturn and helps us focus. Our humor may feel threadbare; this ambient seriousnes­s could be a realistic response to a pressing deadline or a heavy mood. Tonight, quiet support, acceptance, and good food nurture.

SATURDAY, MAY 5: Get the garden in, build the wall, and tend to all personal projects as the Capricorn moon approaches Pluto and Mars. A serious conundrum enters an important phase. Worry less and do more. Process deeply, get busy, or be quiet. Think positively before sleep to prevent a restless night.

SUNDAY, MAY 6: Look for like-minded souls as the moon enters Aquarius. Take an opportunit­y to make new connection­s as Venus semi-squares Uranus. Honor aesthetic difference­s. Artistic expression can be a little frustratin­g, but it can also be good therapy.

MONDAY, MAY 7: The mood is stubborn but still collegial, open-minded but opinionate­d, and haunted by concerns. Some doors close and we have to look for the new openings. Keep the lines of communicat­ion open. The truth is found in the middle of our desires and fears.

TUESDAY, MAY 8: Lay a burden down. It’s time to just drop something that crowds our lives in order to make more room for new arrivals as the sun opposes Jupiter. Release clutter of the heart and the closet. Finish files and clear the desk. The moon enters Pisces tonight and the emotional water level rises.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 9: Our hearts soften, though our tempers can be twitchy as the Pisces moon approaches Neptune. It’s probably healthy to play hooky and daydream, not just to get away from problems but to get a fresh perspectiv­e. If we were blessed with magic, how could we fix our situations? Now go use that magic. Radical acts of kindness and romance further.

THURSDAY, MAY 10: Pay attention to this morning’s dreams as the moon conjuncts Neptune. They may be cryptic, but they can offer an archetype to work with. Let people wind their way to the point rather than being direct; this is a nonlinear day. Some social awkwardnes­s in the morning eases out after lunch. Nothing feels simple, our heartstrin­gs are easily tugged while handling ordinary work.

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