
Chile Pages



Robert Sheehan and Carlito Olivero play a pair of valets who need a little extra money. When a wealthy man (David Tennant) hands them the keys to his Maserati, they take it for a joyride to his house in order to rob it. Instead, they find a woman in captivity at the man’s home. When they decide to report this to authoritie­s, only to discover the cops can’t find evidence of wrongdoing, her abductor terrorizes their lives. Rated R. 110 minutes. Regal Stadium 14. (Not reviewed)


Writer/director Stanley Tucci’s adaptation of Alberto Giacometti’s portrait of writer James Lord, adapted from Lord’s memoir of the experience of posing for the legendary artist in 1964, is a study in the tyranny of genius — over those who come in contact with it, and over the one in whom it is housed. Shortly before he is to leave Paris, Lord (Armie Hammer) agrees to an afternoon’s posing session with Giacometti (Geoffrey Rush), a few hours that turn into weeks. Like Penelope weaving by day and undoing it by night, the artist stretches the work out into what could prove, and occasional­ly feels like, an endless project. Rush has a wonderful time as the disheveled, shambling painter as he curses, paints, and puffs on a cigarette perpetuall­y pinched at the center of his mouth. Hammer is the calm in the storm, like a straight line in a tangle of wire. Repetitiou­s, and sometimes frustratin­g, but so is the process of creation. Not rated. 90 minutes. In minimal French with subtitles. Violet Crown. (Jonathan Richards)


Detective Jay Swan (Aaron Pedersen) is a hardbitten cop who alienates the Australian frontier town of Goldstone when he arrives to investigat­e a possible sex-traffickin­g ring. In this understate­d and stylish thriller, he forms an uneasy alliance with a local policeman. There are layers of power and control in Goldstone, hinging on the conflict between Aboriginal people and the mining company that wants to exploit their sacred land. Swan is more connected to the region than it first appears, and amid this kind of oldfashion­ed shoot-em-up thriller is a story of identity, belonging, and ethics. Goldstone is a sequel to writer-director Ivan Sen’s 2013 film Mystery Road. Rated R. 110 minutes. In English and Mandarin with subtitles. Jean Cocteau Cinema. (Jennifer Levin)


It’s hard to discern who was clamoring for a remake of the popular 1987 Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell comedy, but this update flips the genders of the two lead parts to keep things fresh. Anna Faris, a comic actress worthy of stepping into Hawn’s shoes, plays a houseclean­er who is treated poorly by her billionair­e boss (played by Eugenio Derbez, who is a major star in Mexico). When he falls off his yacht and suffers amnesia, the maid tricks him into thinking he’s her husband and teaches him how to perform manual labor and treat people with respect. Rated PG-13. 112 minutes. Screens in English and Spanish with subtitles at Regal Stadium 14. Screens in English only at Violet Crown. (Not reviewed)


Rated R. 113 minutes. In English with some subtitles. Center for Contempora­ry Arts. See review, Page 53.


Writer Diablo Cody and director Jason Reitman, who teamed for 2007’s Juno and 2011’s Young Adult, join the latter film’s star, Charlize Theron, to tell a story of modern motherhood. Theron plays Marlo, a mother of three who is postpartum depressed, overworked, and not receiving much help from her husband (Ron Livingston). When Marlo’s well-off brother (Mark Duplass) buys her the services of a night nanny named Tully (Mackenzie Davis) as a gift, Marlo and Tully form an interestin­g bond. Rated R. 96 minutes. Violet Crown. (Not reviewed)


Not rated. 115 minutes. In Spanish with subtitles. Center for Contempora­ry Arts. See review, Page 55.

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Mommy dearest: Charlize Theron and Asher Miles Fallica in Tully, at Violet Crown
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