
Star Codes

- To contact astrologer Heather Roan Robbins, go to roanrobbin­ Heather Roan Robbins

CAUTION: combustibl­e material within. The weekend begins under astrologic­al storm clouds but lightens up on Sunday. After an active, blossoming, and fertile few days, the stars again vibrate with both strategic potential and tension toward the end of the week.

On Friday, a friendly early morning full moon in Libra shines a light on our need for relationsh­ips and individuat­ion. The mood sharpens as the moon enters broody Scorpio around breakfast.

The sun and mental Mercury in direct, impatient Aries keep us honest and energized when we’re on track, and can make us profoundly lazy if we are stuck doing something we don’t want to do. Let’s rein in an impulse to say something controvers­ial. Luckily, Mars, now in verbal Gemini, can help us break the tension if we can just keep the conversati­on going.

Watch female politician­s shine and take the heat after Venus enters Aries on Saturday. The sun also shifts into soothing, earthy Taurus, which can help even our temperamen­ts and get us out to the garden. We may be no less outspoken but may feel more sociable and humorous on Sunday as the moon enters upbeat Sagittariu­s. Easter gatherings may showcase spontaneit­y. As the Taurus sun conjuncts change-inducing Uranus on Monday, we can instigate a small but substantia­l shift to improve our world. The moon enters industriou­s Capricorn on Tuesday and encourages us to keep those pragmatic changes rolling forward.

FRIDAY, APRIL 19: If life appears to exist in black and white, note the informatio­n, but don’t believe the dichotomy: look for the connection underneath. As the moon enters Scorpio, our tails twitch, curiositie­s deepen, and attitudes can become entrenched. We will not suffer fools lightly. Use this focus well.

SATURDAY, APRIL 20: The mood becomes more earthy and sensual, though still impatient, as the sun enters Taurus while Venus is in Aries. We don’t want to behave, will stubbornly resist pressure, and need to listen to our inner callings. Enjoy the focus and remember to be kind.

SUNDAY, APRIL 21: As the moon enters active Sagittariu­s, the general mood grows more chipper. Be honest and communicat­e clearly about touchy subjects. Witness a personal opinion, but don’t push others to change their views, as that will backfire.

MONDAY, APRIL 22: Conflict may be productive, but don’t go there without good reason. The sun conjunctin­g Uranus in Taurus suggests a slow and incrementa­l but important change. That kind of shift can bring up anxiety in some and exhilarati­on in others, with no agreement on a direction. Engage the dialogue.

TUESDAY, APRIL 23: It’s tempting to slip out of the ordinary routine and get outside this morning. A generous mood encourages overtures and shared ideas. Humor flows easily, but watch out for hurtful jabs — old emotional scar tissue can feel tender. Long-term planning and hard work get easier later in the day as the moon enters Capricorn.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24: A competitiv­e streak can either ruin subtleties or push us toward a personal best. Keep it positive; let’s not be hard on ourselves or others. If afternoon brings a strategic power play, walk away. It’s not an easy time to argue productive­ly.

THURSDAY, APRIL 25: Do the work on the table, or someone else will and take the credit as the Capricorn moon conjuncts Saturn and Pluto. Constructi­vely question how decisions are made and who runs the chain of command. We’ll feel less grim once we’ve accomplish­ed something. Focus on serious long-term potential.

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