

- To contact astrologer Heather Roan Robbins, go to roanrobbin­

as Venus joins the sun in Leo on Saturday. It’s a perfect week to be sybaritic and have long, leisurely summer dinners on the porch. Take advantage of the extroverte­d generous Leo energy to appreciate arts festivals and all the fruits of culture.

The rest of life may take some patience. Misunderst­andings and miscalcula­tions can begin to pile up and wear us down. Mercury turns direct next Wednesday after three weeks in retrograde.

Let’s not take it personally if we haven’t heard from someone important. Make short-term plans for the moment; practice mindfulnes­s and being in the present rather than projecting too far into the future. Make the moment count.

With the sun and Venus in Leo, we’ll tend to think and speak in hyperbole. This Leo fire brings over-the-top melodramat­ic comments to our newsfeeds. Just because someone acts out doesn’t mean there aren’t real feelings underneath. Reward the need for connection without rewarding bad behavior.

Friday’s Taurus moon can help us stay steady and just deal with what’s on our plate. Small chores can be both a calming meditation and keep us on track. A Gemini moon over the weekend helps the flow of communicat­ion and Venus in Leo encourages us to reach out and have a good time.

A sensitive, defensive moon in Cancer on Monday stirs questions around home and homeland. Some people may act out erraticall­y or feel anxious as the sun squares electrical Uranus. If we feel any inner turmoil, it’s best to slow down and move gently. Stay cool and calm on Wednesday, and show affection under the new moon in Leo and as Mercury turns direct. Keep a good sense of humor nearby, and say nothing regrettabl­e.

FRIDAY, JULY 26: We may just need to catch up with ourselves. It’s so hard not to take small glitches personally or get miffed because calls have not been returned. But everyone’s dealing with a logistical fog. Stay present and care for one another.

SATURDAY, JULY 27: Talk it up. Reconnect with the family of the heart; see how everyone’s doing. Venus enters Leo tonight and our attentions shift toward our communitie­s. We may want to be seen rather than to see others.

SUNDAY, JULY 28: Mixed signals and small fumbles wear on us. Wherever possible, keep the schedule loose, easy, curious, and spontaneou­s. Tonight, look for an opportunit­y to heal one another by just being there and available.

MONDAY, JULY 29: The mood tends to be both domestic and discontent­ed as the sun squares changeable Uranus under an introverte­d Cancer moon. Anxious undertones look for a place to land. Get the house in order. Notice confusion around people’s motives; observe rather than assume.

TUESDAY, JULY 30: Minor snafus and hurt feelings abound. Hold hands and smile when things go wrong; give support rather than let complicati­ons pile up between beloveds. Strange moods swirl tonight: Stay in the present and don’t generalize about the future as the moon opposes Pluto.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 31: An expressive Leo moon can make it easier to support one another or have insight. Our hearts may be generously full but will have trouble empathizin­g. Mercury is stationary; busy events tend to tip toward extremes. Sit quietly in the sunshine.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 1: Take a deep breath. Straighten out misunderst­andings, repair problems, and get the wheels back on track. Keep the pace smooth and easy; it won’t be pretty if we rev our engines before we align with our paths. Prepare overtures to launch over the next week.

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