
Star Codes


as the sun joins Mars and Venus in Virgo on Friday morning. Virgo is the last sign of summer, and each day shimmers between seasons. It is the industriou­s time of seeds and harvests, a time to step back from the cultural richness and emotional extremes of summer and step into the real work of fall.

Virgo is connected to the nervous system and the intestinal tract, the part of our body whose job it is to sort out the nutrients and absorb the goodness — a wonderful metaphor for the work of Virgo season. It’s time to sort our seeds and decide what we want to plant, what to eat, and what to feed the animals.

First, we need to inventory our life, inventory candidates who are running for public office, and use that Virgo acuity and empathy to assess what is worthy to pursue. We need to turn up the volume on our own perception­s because we feel other people’s opinions more acutely than our own.

Plan, organize, clean, and align. Catch the mind when it starts to chew on oneself or chew on beloveds; choose to put that energy in a better place.

As the weekend begins, the moon enters Mercury-ruled Gemini and our nerves crank up. Venus and Mars conjunct in Virgo on Saturday, a luscious time to take care of our health, stretch our body, and commune with our garden.

Flirtation runs strong, but we sometimes use our critical nature to distance ourselves from others. Instead, catch people doing something right, focus on their gifts, fill the heart with gratitude, and reap the Virgo bounty.

FRIDAY, AUG. 23: Nervous energy ratchets up: We can feel tired if we don’t have a focus and energized when the focus is clear. Our empathy expands, which can make us irritated with people who aren’t taking care of themselves.

SATURDAY, AUG. 24: Emotions heighten as Venus conjuncts Mars this morning. This can be a juicy and affectiona­te aspect if we see the beauty in one another — or an irritating aspect if we focus on problems. Don’t get depressed: activate instead. Tonight, the stars call for intense processing and great conversati­on.

SUNDAY, AUG. 25: The conversati­on continues this morning. Listen to new informatio­n but let it drop into the heart as the moon enters Cancer this afternoon. Later on, we get a chance to heal old anger or choose not to reengage in a new argument.

MONDAY, AUG. 26: Exciting changes hover on the horizon as Venus trines Uranus. Negotiate at home and in relationsh­ips, but don’t push out of the comfort zone for more worldly problems yet. Just get a better idea of the next step.

TUESDAY, AUG. 27: Stay in the present; deal with what’s on the plate rather than look too far ahead. We may become aware of an unmet need and get easily ticked off. Healthy boundaries make generosity safe for all involved. A new enthusiasm can infuse us tonight as the moon enters Leo.

WEDNESDAY, AUG. 28: Feel new energy available for our passions as Mars trines Uranus. Innovate, make positive changes, think outside the box, and move the body. Keep that energy moving forward.

THURSDAY, AUG. 29: Take care of digestion — it may get touchy as both Mercury and the moon enter Virgo. Practice mindfulnes­s and gentle self-improvemen­t. Our ability to see the problem sharpens to a fine point; look for powerful informatio­n on what changes can and must be made as the sun trines Uranus.

To contact astrologer Heather Roan Robbins, go to roanrobbin­

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