
Star Codes

- Heather Roan Robbins To contact astrologer Heather Roan Robbins, go to roanrobbin­

MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE on Halloween. It has already begun to slow down and enter its shadow, the part of the zodiac through which it will bunny hop. Rapid-moving Mercury, instead of spending its usual three weeks in a sign, will spend 10 weeks in Scorpio.

Start Mercury retrograde survival skills early this month. If there’s tension, check for misunderst­andings. Pay extra attention to important communicat­ions, and make sure they get where they’re supposed to go. Mercury in Scorpio brings out our inner detective. Notice extra vitriol in the headlines, and think carefully before participat­ing. Use that Scorpio perceptive­ness to look into the real heart of the matter.

Communicat­ion lines are busy on Friday under a talkative Gemini moon. Share thoughts, meet, and get paperwork in order. Over the weekend, a more introspect­ive, cozy Cancer moon turns thoughts inward and toward work in our homes. Take time alone or have conversati­ons that get to the root of the matter as Mercury sextiles intense Pluto. Our curious detective nature could ferret out missing objects or hidden informatio­n.

Early next week, the mood is more imaginativ­e as Venus trines creative and confusing Neptune under a Leo moon. It could also instigate some clashing egos. On one side, we can see dueling efforts to upstage one another; on the other, we can appreciate life as performanc­e art.

On Wednesday feel a change in the astrologic­al weather from relatively outgoing to thoughtful­ly introverte­d as the sun enters focused Scorpio. The moon enters mercurial Virgo; it’s a good time to time to launch a self-improvemen­t project.

FRIDAY, OCT. 18: After a fuzzy-headed morning, we’ll be ready to juggle differing threads by midday. Begin to clear the decks, catch up with paperwork, and make sure informatio­n is where it needs to be. Tonight, converse with strangers while the talkative Gemini moon trines the sun.

SATURDAY, OCT. 19: Tend to the home front under a Cancer moon. The planets suggest breakfast in bed, then home improvemen­t projects. If people need to talk while mental Mercury sextiles Pluto, nurture openness but respect boundaries. Look for hidden things; enjoy life’s mysteries.

SUNDAY, OCT. 20: Refill the wells with comfort, be with familiar people and places, and enjoy comfort foods as Venus sextiles traditiona­l Saturn. Trust issues from the past arise, but we have an opportunit­y to change that dynamic in the present moment.

MONDAY, OCT. 21: We want to be recognized as Venus trines imaginativ­e Neptune under an outgoing Leo moon. Beloveds need to be noticed. This mood can play out as grandstand­ing in the public eye, but it’s just an honest need for warmth at home.

TUESDAY, OCT. 22: Morning can bring some socially awkward moments as our inner extrovert and introvert play tug-of-war. Don’t take others’ gruffness personally, but also don’t give positive feedback for attentiong­etting habits. Evening eases as the moon trines Jupiter and brings odd notes of hope.

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 23: The sun enters moody Scorpio and the moon enters Virgo, which turns our thoughts inward, hones our critical edge, and deepens our focus. A morbid streak brings our attention to worst-case scenarios during the day. Brainstorm solutions tonight.

THURSDAY, OCT. 24 There’s a lot to do, but an underlying nervousnes­s or self-doubt can make it hard to put everything together into cohesive progress. Tonight, though humor can be dark and pointed, empathetic camaraderi­e goes a long way.

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