
Star Codes


peak this weekend at around 2 a.m. We could see up to 50 meteors an hour as Earth crosses paths with the asteroid 3200 Phaethon. New material filters into our atmosphere and symbolical­ly coincides with fresh ideas. This, along with a lovely trine between expansive Jupiter and change-master Uranus, can help us shift gears. We can use it to loosen up what’s held us tightly and choose a different path.

As the weekend begins, the stars invoke complex feelings — melancholi­c sadness braided with seasonal sparkle. Our experience­s can soften our hearts with compassion and connection. We can get caught up in a whirlwind of strong feelings as Mars forms an inspiring trine to creative Neptune, while emotional Venus conjuncts deep Pluto. Let’s choose compassion.

On Saturday morning, some tough aspects can make us grumpy, but the mood softens as the day progresses. By evening, we may be ready to dive into festivitie­s as the moon enters celebrator­y Leo on Saturday night.

Take advantage of a competent Virgo moon Tuesday and Wednesday to get the logistics in order. Then let the seasonal magic twinkle on Thursday as the moon enters friendly Libra.

Emotions swirl like a marbled cake. Venus conjuncts Pluto and can bring deep feelings or a chance to remember who and what matters in the face of some challenge. A self-protective flare hits around before dinner time, but the evening opens up with the potential for heartfelt magic with a grand trine in water signs.

Sleep in late. Problemati­c early morning aspects can leave us out of sorts or frustrated as the introspect­ive Cancer moon opposes Saturn, Pluto, and Venus. Domesticat­e, deck the halls, or bake solstice cookies, all of which give the emotional body and mind a chance to process. The mood shifts as the moon enters Leo tonight. It’s a good night for a winter party, though some egos may duel.

Make room for humorless fun as the outgoing Leo moon trines Mercury in Sagittariu­s. Make a new tradition and take a step toward the life we’d like to lead. If midafterno­on brings a minor clash of needs, take turns instead of knocking each other over as Mercury semi-squares Venus.

A strong competitiv­e edge mixes with a lazy streak this morning as Mars semi-squares Jupiter. We may see trouble in the world’s hotspots, but locally we can work together against a common challenge. Everyone could use some appreciati­on this afternoon as the moon trines the sun. People will be more cheerful and efficient if they get it.

We can make things happen this morning as the moon enters Virgo and forms a grand trine in pragmatic earth signs with Uranus and Jupiter. We can find unusual access to solutions and practical steps forward, which can reduce an underlying anxiety that not enough is being done. Tonight, rest when overextend­ed people get cranky.

Confusion, self-doubt, or sleepiness can slow us down this morning as the Virgo moon opposes Neptune. This clears up by midmorning for a spell of competence midday as the moon trines Saturn and Pluto. People have little room for fluff but are open to persuasion.

Bells jingle today as the moon enters friendlier Libra. It’s a great time for cross-generation­al connection­s. Be careful of shopping today because we are low on common sense as Mercury squares Neptune. Keep an eye on the weather and any other confusing situations. Tell a good story and enjoy the magic.

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