
Star Codes

- To contact astrologer Heather Roan Robbins, go to roanrobbin­ Heather Roan Robbins

MANY OF US HAVE NOW BECOME proficient at Zoom, or whatever our chosen form of communicat­ion, and may be getting bored. We’ll hanker after fresh territory and good news this weekend, with the sun, moon, Mercury, and Venus all in nervy Gemini. This sign likes to have quick and witty repartee and a laugh with friends. Since we have to keep our distance these days, we’ll need to keep the mental squirrels in our brains busy.

This Gemini lineup can scatter our thoughts hither and yon. We have access to a million words to get our points across, so let’s write a book and brainstorm ideas. Rigorous logic and the integratio­n of heart and mind are not Gemini strong suits, so we have to add the depth to Gemini breadth and check our facts and sources.

With this energy, we’d be attending graduation parties and behaving like busy bees visiting flowers. This buzz may strain social distancing this weekend, but it’s important to hold strong.

Early next week may feel more heart-centered as the moon enters emotionall­y centered Cancer and active Mars sextiles change-maker Uranus, an aspect which helps us adapt to new situations. But expect personal and political unrest where people feel they cannot make changes within the present system.

If Tuesday brings discouragi­ng news as the sensitive Cancer moon opposes Pluto and Jupiter, stay in the moment. Some people will act out on Wednesday and Thursday as the Leo moon encourages hyperbole, but underneath the sweeping statements may be some real personal truth. On Thursday, we need to think about the consequenc­es of our words as Mercury joins the moon in Cancer.

FRIDAY, MAY 22: Imaginatio­n flows but hard facts might be in a cloud. Brainstorm new possibilit­ies after the new moon in nervy Gemini this afternoon. Love the buzz, but give this nervousnes­s something to do or it can feed anxiety. Watch for crankiness tonight as the moon squares Mars.

SATURDAY, MAY 23: Our minds can buzz around like bees in a field of wildflower­s. Just focus the mind with care so it doesn’t spin with anxiety. Boredom can be a real problem, so look for new material. Engage in friendly conversati­ons, speak loving words, or appreciate literary flow tonight.

SUNDAY, MAY 24: Tend the gardens of body, mind, and spirit, just don’t expect anything to be brought to completion until the moon enters Cancer tonight. We may need to be quiet or notice some emotional work that needs attention before we move forward.

MONDAY, MAY 25: Instead of railing against what we can’t change, let’s explore what we can. We need to change something as Mars sextiles Uranus. Let’s assure that this energy has a constructi­ve place to go. People can get difficult when it feels like all roads are blocked.

TUESDAY, MAY 26: Follow up on yesterday’s excitement. Make sure any fire started was a good fire as the moon opposes Pluto and Jupiter. Let’s take anything discouragi­ng with a grain of salt and stay in the present rather than project this pattern into the future.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 27: Feel the bravado and humor, but don’t make hasty decisions under an enthusiast­ic Leo moon. If we sound like it’s all about us, maybe we need some self-care, but let’s do it without drama or excuse. Act out in a safe and constructi­ve way, and react appropriat­ely.

THURSDAY, MAY 28: Tell stories as mental Mercury enters emotionall­y centered Cancer. Our memories come close to the surface, and our thinking grows more subjective. Look for missing informatio­n, and dredge up experience­s from the past that can be useful in the present.

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