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COLLECTIVE, documentar­y, not rated, 109 minutes, in Romanian and English with subtitles, Violet Crown’s Virtual Cinema, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and Vudu, 4 chiles Watch the trailer­1?playlistId=tt107066 02&ref_=tt_ov_vi The fire started when pyrotechni­cs ignited the f lammable acoustic foam inside the Colectiv nightclub in Bucharest, Romania, in October 2015. After finishing a set, the lead singer of metalcore band Goodbye to Gravity calmly told the audience, “Something’s on fire over there,” and asked for an extinguish­er. But within seconds, Colectiv was engulfed in f lames. More than two dozen people were killed instantly. More than three dozen deaths followed within days, due to preventabl­e infections. The patients were refused transfers to better-equipped medical facilities in Germany. It was the beginning of a nationwide outcry over a broken healthcare system that forced Romania’s social democratic government to resign.

Collective is the harrowing account of the fire’s aftermath. It’s the story of a dogged team of investigat­ive journalist­s at the Romanian newspaper Gazeta Sporturilo­r whose efforts unmasked a cover-up of staggering proportion­s. Director Alexander Nanau follows the team as they string together the myriad threads that led to the deaths of so many. Their conference­s, in which they map out strategies for pursuing leads, lend the film to the feverish buzz of a war room drama. Only, it isn’t fiction.

There is no talking to the camera, no breaking the fourth wall. All of the events unfold in real time, as they happened.

Just how unsanitary were the conditions in the hospital? The investigat­ors caught Hexi Pharmaceut­ical diluting their products. They discovered bacteria in the hospital sterilizat­ion tanks, and one says, “Do you realize we’ve all been exposed while in the hospital?”

But Collective is more than the story of the investigat­ion. It’s a compelling look at journalist­s working on behalf of the public good and holding authoritie­s to account. The team faced an uphill battle that stretched from months into years. They were accused of fanning the f lames of public panic, and even of driving a man — a key player in the cover-up — to suicide, even though he was driven by his own guilty conscience.

Watching this from the perspectiv­e of an American citizen, it’s difficult not to find parallels with our own embattled healthcare system. Medical moguls enriched themselves at the expense of human lives, a scenario that’s similarly led to legal battles in U.S. courtrooms over grossly inflated drug costs. We also see equivalenc­e in the challenges faced by journalist­s and the free press in covering government corruption. Collective underscore­s just how vital the role of good journalism is to a functionin­g democracy. The truth is uncomforta­ble, and facts are infuriatin­gly tenacious. But, without them, we live in a world of lies. — Michael Abatemarco

 ??  ?? Collective details journalist­s’ attempts to expose government corruption in Romania
Collective details journalist­s’ attempts to expose government corruption in Romania

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