
Star Codes


New truth comes to the surface this weekend as Mercury sextiles Pluto, then joins the sun and Venus in direct Aries on Saturday night.

If we can think through our consequenc­es, this can be a refreshing directness that helps us get a move on, with greater momentum. Aries encourages general competence but heats up our passionate responses.

Aries energy can be wasted in conflict. The headlines have been full of reactive Aries moments. Turn that Aries passion toward creation instead.

We need to find creative ways to rebel. Mars is now in talkative Gemini, and it encourages us to keep talking, as long as the conversati­on is moving forward and people have a hope of feeling heard. Gemini can turn the direction toward something peaceful and dynamic.

The weekend begins under a cheerful Sagittariu­s moon, which can help us be honest without being mean. It furthers to have a project to work on over the weekend as the moon enters competent Capricorn. Channel that Capricorn pushiness in a good direction.

Mercury enters Aries late Saturday night and ratchets up the energy. And it may bring fresh clarity about direction over the next few days. The moon enters collaborat­ive Aquarius on Monday and brings this fresh perspectiv­e back out to the body politic and the larger world. Cooperatio­n increases midweek as Venus and Mars form a friendly sextile.

On Wednesday and Thursday, a Pisces moon can awaken our sensitivit­ies and help us feel fiercely protective of the underdogs. All week long, we will appreciate friendship and friendline­ss from the people we love.

FRIDAY, APRIL 2: We can uncover or recover missing informatio­n and objects as intuitive Mercury in Pisces sextiles in-depth Pluto. Allow for extra sleep to integrate recent events, and pay attention to dreams. Notice a temporary edginess this morning as the moon opposes Mars. Midafterno­on can bring new understand­ing. Unwind tonight.

SATURDAY, APRIL 3: Feel an urge to accomplish as the moon enters competent Capricorn. Let’s find mutual goals. While it’s not a great day to plant, it’s perfect to reorganize and prepare the ground, both in our garden and in life. Tonight, speak up but keep that inner diplomat engaged.

SUNDAY, APRIL 4: Step back from family fights over the Easter baskets. Notice and honor what each person has done; find and feed their sense of accomplish­ment. See what can be reborn, hatched from the egg on this first Sunday after spring’s first full moon.

MONDAY, APRIL 5: The political is personal. As the moon heads into collective Aquarius, we are asked to look at the bigger picture. A news story may catch our eye. Pay attention and make a thoughtful response.

TUESDAY, APRIL 6: Look for both serious and joyful collaborat­ion. The moon conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius and reminds us of our responsibi­lities as Venus and Mars form a friendly sextile, ease collaborat­ions, and spark flirtation­s. Work together in a way that still maintains independen­ce. Relationsh­ips need playful friendship to thrive.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7: Notice a generous sensitivit­y this morning as the moon enters Pisces. The ambient straightfo­rwardness needs to be consciousl­y combined with kindness and considerat­ion, or we can just set off people’s sensitive inner minefields.

THURSDAY, APRIL 8: Superman on the outside, Princess and the pea on the inside: our mythic self wants to be tougher than we actually feel. Combine bravery and sensitivit­y. Be boldly compassion­ate, dangerousl­y creative, and risk real love.

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