

- Contact astrologer Heather Roan Robbins at roanrobbin­

THIS WEEK BRINGS MOMENTS OF LAZY SUMMER with birds singing and grass billowing mixed with occasional dramatic weather and a haunting feeling of impending change sprinkled with a few frustratio­ns. Make hay and have picnics while the sun shines and build up reserves to handle the rest.

Mercury and Venus in expressive Leo can help us appreciate this high summer moment though they also add torque and drama to any problem which arises. The sun now in domestic Cancer approaches an opposition to Pluto which brings cozy domesticit­y to the foreground along with an awareness of big world problems and personal concerns in the background. Pay attention to both; we need our daily joys to cope with grumbling world events. In the quiet moments, sipping iced tea in the shade, a friend may need to share their deepest worries.

Friday begins talkative and nervy with minor logistical concerns as Mercury quincunxes Saturn. Over the weekend a waning Cancer moon can leave us emotional, sensitive, and appreciati­ve of a kind word. The new moon in Cancer on Monday brings a shifting chapter in our sense of home and family. Midweek, practical things can run poltergeis­ts as Mars opposes Saturn, but our summertime renewal ripens as the moon in Leo polishes the glory of high summer with a touch of magic.

FRIDAY, JULY 14: Nerves or worries dissipate when faced directly as Mercury quincunxes Saturn. Wrangle bureaucrat­ic details, but if people sound accidental­ly officious, assume it’s a sign of nerves. Tend the pots cooking on the stove midday and be ready for something completely different tonight as the sun sextiles Uranus and calls for a change of pace. SATURDAY, JULY 15: Exchange interestin­g news early on, then drop into the heart as the moon enters sentimenta­l, protective Cancer midday. If memories roll in like a thick cloud, let’s choose what memories take our focus. Some people may feel insecure and will blossom with reassuranc­e. SUNDAY, JULY 16: We’re called home to ourselves during this dark moon in Cancer. Rather than get upset if someone else does not attend to our needs, let’s take personal responsibi­lity for our own comfort. Good food furthers; share a meal.

MONDAY, JULY 17: We can either feel disoriente­d, existentia­lly homesick, or flooded by feelings in this new moon in oceanic Cancer, or we can deepen into our roots. Let’s parent ourselves the way we wish we had been parented and tend the garden of our lives. Begin a new personal chapter.

TUESDAY, JULY 18: Although the world’s storyline may get complicate­d, let’s play hooky and live life to the fullest — whatever that means to us — as the Leo moon approaches Mercury and squares Jupiter. It may be hard to walk in another’s shoes, but we can extend ourselves and share what joy we have. Step away from unnecessar­y drama; step toward magic. WEDNESDAY, JULY 19: Tell stories and make symbolic gestures; invoke what we want through our actions. Err on the side of generosity. Look for a change in plans or swings of mood this evening, but don’t act on impulse or declare an ultimatum. Let the moment be what it is. THURSDAY, JULY 20: After a dreamy, potentiall­y inspiring morning, engage a day of industry and responsibi­lities. Take care of small health issues midday as the moon enters Virgo. Tension arises between what we want and what we have to do as Mars opposes Saturn but also can help us put muscle behind our plans. If feeling cranky, step back and do pragmatic work until the mood shifts.

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