


MOTHER’S DAY WEEKEND BRINGS THE PEAK of sensuous Taurus season. We can honor our first mother, the earth itself, as flowers explode, filling our senses with color, scent, and the buzz of pollinatin­g bees. The sun, Venus, Uranus, and Jupiter are all now close together in the earthy sign of Taurus. The earth can steady us on an otherwise moody week.

Venus and Mars are now in their own sign. Venus in earthy Taurus encourages emotional stability and the compassion­ate sensuality of this earth. It can also help us appreciate beauty and feel possessive toward the people and things we love.

Mars in reactive Aries brings out our bravery and a feisty warrior archetype. While this can be great for spring fever and bring a spark to new relationsh­ips, it can also underline gender stereotype­s unless we remember we each hold Venus and Mars within.

This week brings three irritating semi-squares between the planets that can make it tricky for us get our horses heading in the same direction. The weekend begins as Mars semi-squares Uranus and stirs up tempers and wild weather. Venus semi-squares Neptune, which can be sweetly sentimenta­l one minute but also can inject awkward moments. Let’s use that Taurean steadiness to garden our life.

FRIDAY, MAY 10: Choose words carefully under a nervy verbal Gemini moon; underlying worries can funnel tension into our words but not toward the people who need it as Mars semi-squares Uranus. Speak to the real problem and don’t take anxiety out on safe people. Tonight calls for comfort and cozy food as the moon enters Cancer.

SATURDAY, MAY 11: Take time to make home feel more like home under this domestic Cancer moon; plant seeds in the garden and in hearts. Midday could bring motivation or irritation as the moon squares Mars; turn the soil and avoid telling people what to do. Let people find their own rhythm.

SUNDAY, MAY 12: Release expectatio­ns and look for loveliness in this day. It may not be convenient but could be full of potential for new traditions as the Cancer moon sextiles the Sun, Uranus, and Mercury. Sleep early; we can get crabby later tonight.

MONDAY, MAY 13: It can be easy to get stuck in our own experience and ignore others’ experience­s as the moon shifts into Leo, but many are going through major changes and need recognitio­n. Be open to what arises and be there for old friends as Venus sextiles Saturn. TUESDAY, MAY 14: To feel the love, give the love on this generally productive day. When we talk to someone, let them be the center of our world for that minute, empathize, then come back to ourselves and take care of business. Conflictin­g emotional needs arise around dinnertime and ask us to take responsibi­lity for our own feelings.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 15: Pay attention to avoid unnecessar­y minor collisions this morning as the Leo moon squares that Taurus lineup. Hold ground when necessary, but question whether stubbornne­ss is the most appropriat­e response. Move toward practical solutions and away from personalit­y disputes this afternoon as the moon enters Virgo and trines Mercury. Listen for informatio­n about an approachin­g new agenda. THURSDAY, MAY 16: We feel changes arising and can anxiously catastroph­ize things as worse than they are as Mercury approaches a square to Pluto. Stay present, do not generalize, but do not underestim­ate the work needed. Over the next few weeks many of us approach a fork in the road and need to let go of one path in order to pursue the other. Contact astrologer Heather Roan Robbins at roanrobbin­

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