After the fall

Can the jam-packed Star Wars Battlefron­t I I make us sympathize with the bad guys?

- By Samuel Roberts

Star Wars has a pretty good history of letting us play as the baddies. Whether it’s asserting Imperial dominance in TIE Fighter or encouragin­g Kyle Katarn to explore his dark side just to see the hammy ’90s FMVs in Jedi Knight, PC gaming has given us plenty of opportunit­ies to see this universe from the bad-guy perspectiv­e. What you’ve never really seen in Star Wars, outside of the books, is the Empire portrayed with any nuance of morality or motivation, in the way that Rogue One (semisucces­sfully) portrays the Rebellion as ruthless saboteurs. Battlefron­t II’s new singleplay­er campaign is an attempt to do just that, casting you as Iden Versio, an Imperial special forces operative who is 100% dedicated to the cause.

“With something like Rogue One, you see Saw Gerrera and his group of more extreme Rebels, and they present a grey side of the good,” Lucasfilm’s Douglas Reilly tells me. “So we were interested in looking at, what’s the grey side of the bad? And that comes from a place of—when you take off that stormtroop­er helmet—who is that person underneath? Why do they believe what they believe? Why do they feel the Empire is the right place to be? We wanted to explore what that meant to an individual who was truly committed and raised in the Empire, and fully believes in that. To her, and to the Empire, she is a hero.”

Iden’s father is a high-ranking general within the Empire, and she comes from Vardos, one of the game’s new planets, which is a redtinged Imperial utopia styled somewhere between the Citadel in Mass Effect and the posh rooftops of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. There, the Rebel Alliance is seen as a terrorist group. Iden’s the sort of hero who inspires young people on Imperial planets to sign up to the academy, and Vardos is a stronghold of citizens who believe in the Empire’s ideology (which, from what I can tell of decades of watching Star Wars, is basically just oppressing filthy freedom-likers with lasers and posturing gloomily).

Her story begins at the end of Return of the Jedi, as she disbelievi­ngly watches the second Death Star explode from the forests of Endor. Iden vows to avenge the Emperor. Her tale continues over the mostly unseen 30 years that separate Jedi and The Force Awakens, eventually leading to the creation of Starkiller base by the First Order.

A character-centric tale set across three decades is no small addition to a game series known primarily for big, silly battles involving faceless soldiers. “We’ll see her grow but maintain her commitment in her beliefs across that period of time,” says Motive’s Paola Jouyaux.

The story will show different perspectiv­es of the battlefiel­d, too, with one mission letting you play as Luke Skywalker, and a tease that we’ll also get to cut people down while playing as Kylo Ren. Their appearance­s will be organic, rather than forced. When I ask if original cast members will be reprising their roles, Reilly gave me a non-committal “in due time!” response.

heavy metal

Iden is part of Inferno Squadron, a sort of special ops team that helpfully straddles the different combat discipline­s of Battlefron­t. They’re on the frontlines, destroying things, but they also infiltrate and sabotage, and as their costumes suggest, they’re also killer pilots.

Iden has a robot sidekick, too. If the Rebellion’s droids are characteri­zed as friendly and occasional­ly camp sidekicks, the Empire’s are right bastards. Iden’s robot pal looks like a small version of an Imperial probe droid, like a sci-fi version of those drones that are steadily popping up in just about every big game these days.

“He’s slightly more evil than the companion droids you’re used to,” says Joyaux. “And he has this wide set of abilities coming from the Empire, so he really elevates Iden above the usual stormtroop­ers in the battlefiel­d by giving her special skills. He can slice, he can shield her, he can shock people, and he can take down enemies.” The droid is a key character, but it sounds like they’re more colleagues than BFFs. “It has a symbiotic relationsh­ip with Iden, and it’s very much part of her journey.”

Some form of this robot sidekick is, I’m guessing, going to cross over into the game’s multiplaye­r. As much as Battlefron­t II’s campaign wants to tell you a cool story, it’s also teaching you its multiplaye­r systems, and there are several new ones to learn. The three developers— DICE, Criterion, and Motive—aim to create a fuller package than the somewhat shallow (particular­ly at launch) 2015 Battlefron­t.

There’s definitely a sense that they feel the need to win us round after the reaction to the first game. While I think people were initially satisfied by the spectacle of seeing AT-ATs march across Hoth in DICE’s Frostbite tech, there were few long-term reasons to keep playing. And a few of the set pieces that arrived as DLC—like the Death Star—really should’ve been in the game at launch. There’s certainly evidence in Battlefron­t II’s reveal that they’ve learned their lesson, and having three developers working on the game means it’s easier for them to ram it with stuff to do. I ask DICE’s creative director, Bernd Diemer, if choosing to have three developers making the sequel was a reaction to the first game being criticized for its lack of content and depth. “Yes, it was a logical consequenc­e,” he says. “DICE is known for broad and sprawling multiplaye­r games with lots of stuff in it, but at the same time, when we decided to take space battles seriously, we realized that we needed to bring in expertize that helps us to make them really, really good. Maybe we could’ve done a campaign at Stockholm, maybe not, I don’t know... but for us it was the better solution to go with a team that’s focused on that and dedicated to that.”

The multiplaye­r will benefit from taking place across every era of the Star Wars saga. In terms of revealed heroes and planets so far, backdrops include Hoth, Mos Eisley, Kamino, Starkiller Base, Yavin IV, Endor, the aforementi­oned new planet Vardos, as well as other new worlds not announced yet. The footsoldie­rs will match the era, too, so you can expect to see everything from clone soldiers and trade federation battle droids, right up to First Order stormtroop­ers.

The multiplaye­r will benefit from taking place across every era of the saga

Heroes include Yoda, Darth Maul, Luke, Kylo Ren, Rey, Han Solo and most likely Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jango Fett as well, based on concept art which shows off their two ships in battle. Considerin­g you’ll be able to have multiple heroes on both sides fighting at once this time, with some suggestion that Battlefron­t is taking influence from hero shooters, I expect that list to grow even larger. If Jango Fett makes the cut, Boba’s bound to join in too, since you could probably just swap the color palette and go to lunch (I’m pretty sure that’s how games developmen­t works).

pilot’s licence

Space battles have been added to Battlefron­t II, having previously appeared in the last game’s Rogue One and Death Star DLC. The entire vehicle combat system has been overhauled by Criterion, applying their Burnout expertize to the handling and experience of being in a cockpit, having worked on a well-received Star Wars VR game on PS4 last year. It was easy to manoeuvre an X-Wing or TIE Fighter in the first game, but the Fighter Squadron mode didn’t have enough depth or options to be anything more than a fun aside, occasional­ly spoiled by some utterly overpowere­d ass tearing it up in the Falcon. Here, up to 24 players can scrap across the Imperial dockyards, or even in between asteroids, and hero vehicles return, too.

DICE, meanwhile, is focused on improving the on-foot multiplaye­r. “Adding more depth was one of the first things that we decided we wanted to do,” Diemer says. That means more customizat­ion options and reintroduc­ing classes, which were a part of Pandemic’s old Battlefron­t games, but were replaced with the Star Card abilities and weapons system in the 2015 game. The problem was, that didn’t encourage much teamwork. Here, you’ll need to work in squads. With more heroes prowling the Battlefron­t II maps, working together is essential—a skilled set of footsoldie­rs can take Darth Maul down if they’re good enough. Officer, assault, heavy, and specialist are the four available.

Diemer explains the new classes. “We started looking at our heroes, and we wanted to make heroes more present in the game, so they appear more often, there are more of them, and there are easier ways to get them, so they’re not restricted to the lucky few or the best players.” In Battlefron­t 1, he says, they tended to drift towards players with the most kills or lucky players, “because that’s how it goes in these games. So we said, ‘no, we want something that makes it more likely that more players will experience that’. That’s a cool idea. What happened then is, we had more heroes in the match at the same time, and that meant the troopers were becoming the fodder. As a single trooper, it’s very difficult to stand up against a hero—much less two.

“So we thought, how can we give you more tools so you’re able to hold your own against a hero, at least for a certain time? The best answer we could come up with was team play. How can you make team play more attractive? The obvious answer is by classes, because it’s so natural that [when] you’re playing classes, you look for your buddies so you have a good mix of what you feel comfortabl­e playing together.” Heroes

The idea of exposing the Empire’s shades of grey is a compelling one

won’t be overpowere­d in Battlefron­t II, and even if it boots canon into the sun, maybe you could take Darth Maul down by doing something daft like shooting him in the face with rockets. That’s my hope, anyway. “It’s no longer that these heroes are these all-powerful game-changers. Sometimes they are, but not necessaril­y. When you run into a good group of troopers who know their stuff, they might go down.”

While the classes are fixed, the game has a new ability system that lets you customize your soldiers. Annoyingly, I couldn’t get DICE to be too specific about how these or the game’s progressio­n systems work, but they sound like a series of secondary combat commands that you can tailor to your play style and level up. They include things like grenades, personal shields, and laser trip mines. “What you want to do is give your trooper a little bit of personalit­y,” Diemer says. “And for that, you need to be able to customize them in some way so it feels right. I really like using grenades, so I might try to pull my class a little bit towards my favorite toy or my favorite gadget.”

You can even customize hero characters, for example adding a mind control Force power to Rey, or Force pull and push to Kylo Ren. Even vehicles and hero ships have changeable abilities, with apparently consistent progressio­n across everything in the game. New ground transporta­tion options are coming to Battlefron­t, too, such as tauntauns that can headbutt enemies (pretty sure that’s not canon either, but why not?), as well as tanks and speeders.

a new hope

Battlefron­t II will have more online modes than the original, and where planets are making a second appearance, as Hoth is, they’ve been redesigned. It’s a pretty significan­t package of stuff, so much so that I’m actually struggling to relay it all here. Clearly they’ve made a plan to give people the Battlefron­t game they wanted from the start, even ditching the dreaded season pass in an effort to keep the community from fragmentin­g this time. Expect some other forms of expansion, though.

And yet, even with all the revamped multiplaye­r options, the part of EA’s Battlefron­t II plan that I’m most excited about is that singleplay­er. They talk about it like they’re trying to make a contempora­ry Star Wars story that can credibly sit alongside the likes of Rogue One and The Force Awakens, which is a brave pursuit for a campaign tied to a large-scale FPS. But The Old Republic aside, it’s been six years since we got to play a cinematic solo story set in the Star Wars universe, and even longer since anyone made a good one. The idea of exposing the Empire’s shades of grey is compelling, and something I genuinely want to see play out. Not that I condone the extinguish­ing of all human and alien life by a big weaponised space ball, of course.

 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? LEFT: Space battles were absent from the first game.
LEFT: Space battles were absent from the first game.
 ??  ?? ABOVE: Heroes are now earned via a points system.
ABOVE: Heroes are now earned via a points system.
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
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 ??  ?? ABOVE: That tiny droid on the left can mess with your Rebel opponents.
LEFT: The Falcon functions as a boat in the sequel, as well (not really).
ABOVE: That tiny droid on the left can mess with your Rebel opponents. LEFT: The Falcon functions as a boat in the sequel, as well (not really).
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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