Endless References

Inspiratio­n for factions comes from many places


TheRiftbor­n Inspired by: Demogorgon (Stranger Things)

De Waubert watched the Netflix TV show while EndlessSpa­ce2 was in Early Access, and used its monster as an inspiratio­n for the Riftborn.

Horatio Inspired by: Narcissus

Horatio, the massive egomaniac who has cloned himself into an entire faction, is based on the myth of Narcissus—the hunter who fell in love with his own reflection.

RovingClan­s Inspired by: Asian Nomads

Initially written as Silk Road-style merchants, this faction’s inspiratio­ns moved eastward over time, eventually settling on Mongol-style horse tribes with a splash of color.

Ar dentMages Inspired by: BDSM/Brom

The self-mutilating Ardent Mages base their society around suffering to gain power. Rather than your usual shtick, their look is like an Elizabetha­n twist on the art of Gerald Brom.

United Empire Inspired by: House Harkonnen (Dune)

The leader looks more Donald Sutherland than Baron Harkonnen. But with its royal houses and military ideology, it takes plenty of cues from Herbert’s epic. TheSophons Inspired by: Greys, Mangbetu traditions The obvious reference point here is the traditiona­l ‘Grey’ alien of pop culture, but the team also looked to head binding practices for the elongated skull shapes.

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