Laurentius of the Great Swamp and Quel ana of Izalith


Similar to Griggs, Laurentius is a traveling magician whose story overlaps with the creators of pyro magic—the Witch of Izalith and her seven Daughters of Chaos. One of the Daughters, Quelana, is the only trainer in Dark Souls that can max out the Pyromancy Flame, and can only be unlocked once you’ve exhausted Laurentius’ teachings.

In his attempt to locate her in Blighttown, poor Laurentius turns hollow. It’s possible to finish Dark Souls without meeting Quelana, but you should to hear the wealth of interestin­g titbits about her family, such as their obsession with recreating the First Flame, reinstatin­g the Age of Fire, and in turn reclaiming their rule over Lordran. All of which is, of course, in vain. Quelana explains how this power-hungry plight has instead warped her siblings into mindless monsters, which sort of humanizes the hulking beasts you’ll fight down the line—a rare thing in the Souls universe.

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