Pea Ridge Times

Holiday cheer

- MICHAEL SMITH Youth Pastor First Baptist Church, Pea Ridge

I could be crazy — I’ve certainly been called worse — but people seem to be happier during the holidays. I realize that this is not the case for everyone. There are people for whom the holidays bring a tremendous amount of stress, with all the shopping and Christmas parties. However, people do seem to be more cheerful this time of year.

I was listening to a sermon that attributed the good cheer to the amount of giving that goes on. So many people will buy gifts for others, many of those will be people they do not even know. Isn’t that the best way to give, when the person receiving a gift can do nothing to repay? We give just for the simple joy of giving a gift.

That is what grace is all about, giving a gift that we do not deserve and that we could not repay. The ultimate gift is Jesus! There is nothing in me that deserves His grace or His free gift of salvation. Just like when we give a gift to someone, we do not want them to turn around and say, “Thanks, now how much do I owe you?” That is not the point of giving a gift.

We receive a gift with gratitude and give thanks for it. The gift of salvation, through the grace of God, should be received with praise and thanksgivi­ng. It should change the way we think, give and serve. We did nothing to deserve God’s grace and I think that most of us who have received His grace know this is true.

Here is what God is challengin­g me with this Christmas. Don’t forget the gift of grace that comes through Jesus and don’t forget to show grace to others. Speak a word of encouragem­ent and grace to someone this Christmas season. Many of us will share Christmas with people that know very little about grace and Jesus. Honestly, for a lot of people that do not have the hope of Christ, they don’t always relate Christians and grace in the same sentence. Let’s change that this year. 1 Peter 3:15 says, “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”

In gentleness I say this to you, when was the last time someone asked you about the hope that you have? Are you living a life of grace and love that would lead others to desire the hope within you?

••• Editor’s note: Michael Smith is the youth pastor of First Baptist Church, Pea Ridge. He can be contacted at

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