Pea Ridge Times

Mrs. Tamara Schroeder’s Class


Dear Santa,

I have been good all year long. I was wondering if you could bring me Skylanders the x-box game. I would also like an x-box because I don’t have one. The last thing I would like is a DS so I can play video games in the car.

Thank you, Isaiah Bott

Dear Santa,

I have been good all year long. I was wondering if you could bring me a baby doll that I can play house with. I would also like a pretty, pretty princess Barbie. The last thing I would like is a stuffed animal zebra that I can sleep with at night.

Thank you, Rilee Hackler

Dear Santa,

I have been good all year long. I was wondering if you could bring me an iPad so I can play Angry Birds Space on it. I would also like a 3DS so I can play a tiger game on it. The last thing I would like is Lego Star Wars.

Thank you, Chandler Anderson

Dear Santa,

I have been good all year long. I was wondering if you could bring me a pink iPhone 4 just like Mrs. Schroeder’s. The next thing I would like is a small black doggie so I can give him water and food. The last thing I would like is a ballerina doll that I can dress up.

Thank you, Harley Ingram

Dear Santa,

I have been good all year long. I was wondering if you could please bring me an iPhone 5 so I can text my mom. The next thing I would like is a Kindle Fire so I can play games on it. The last thing I would like is a Barbie Hotel so I can play Barbies in it.

Thank you, Emory Bowlin

Dear Santa,

I have been good all year long. I was wondering if you could bring me an iPhone 4 so I can play games on it. The next thing I would like is a princess Barbie. The last thing I would like is an American Girl doll. I would like the cowgirl one so I can bring her everywhere I go like on long trips.

Thank you, Adelyn Elrod

Dear Santa,

I have been good all year long. I was wondering if you could please bring me light-up beats that I can wear when I listen to my music. The next thing I would like is an iPhone 4 so I can plug my beats into it. The last thing I would like is my very own red dirt bike with the number 99 on it.

Thank you, Brayden Wright

Dear Santa,

I have been good all year long. I was wondering if you could bring me an iPod touch because they are awesome. The next thing I would like is a bunch of Legos. The last thing I would like is a dirt bike because they are awesome as well.

Thank you, Waylon Fletcher

Dear Santa,

I have been good all year long. I was wondering if you could please bring me an all black baby kitten because I have never had one before and I like them. The next thing I would like is a very tricky puzzle that I can put together on the coffee table. The last thing I would like is brand new high top Nike shoes with red bottoms.

Thank you, Cole Cray

Dear Santa,

I have been good all year long. I was wondering if you could please bring me a green and black iPad so I can play games on it. The next thing I would like is a green and black remote controlled helicopter that I can fly out- side. The last thing I would like is a blue and gray iPod touch so I can play games.

Thank you, Jayden Spillman

Dear Santa,

I have been kinda bad and kinda good this year. I was wondering if you could bring me blue DC shoes. The next thing I would like is an x-box 360 with two big remotes so I can play war games. The last thing I would like is an iPod touch with a skull and cross bones cover on it.

Thank you, Tyce Evenson

Dear Santa,

I have been good all year long. I was wondering if you could bring me a blue iPod touch so I can play games, text and listen to music. The next thing I would like is an x-box 360 so I can play my video games on it that I usually don’t play. The last thing I would like is a controller to go with the x-box.

Thank you, Jaxon Stewart

Dear Santa,

I have been good all year long. I was wondering if you could bring me a pink 4-wheeler so I can ride with my sister. The next thing I would like is a baby doll so I

can rock her. The last thing I would like is several bottles of pink nail polish.

Thank you, Dana Rapier

Dear Santa,

I have been good all year long. I was wondering if you could please bring me a pink bike because I like them. The next thing I would like is Zhu Zhu pets. The last thing I would like is a Barbie doll.

Thank you, Kelly Goss

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year and I was wondering if you could please bring me colored pens so I can do my homework with them. The next thing I would like is a pen holder so it will hold my colored pens. The last thing I would like is some new clothes.

Thank you, Zeh Patton

Dear Santa,

I have been good most of the time but I have had bad days as well but I was wondering if you could bring me a pink furby. The next thing I would like is an Indian suit because I like Indians. The last thing I want is a candy cane with red and green M&M’s in it.

Thank you, Celese Hacker

Dear Santa,

I have been good and bad this year and I was wondering if you could please bring me a toy cat that I can play with. The next thing I want is a zebra stuffed animal and that’s all.

Landon Sims

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