Pea Ridge Times

Ms. Paige Billis’ Class


Dear Santa,

I’ve been thinking about what I want for Christmas. I want some cute new sock’s with elves on them. I also want a purple Christmas tree with silver on it. The last thing I want is some black, sparkly toms. Also, I’m sorry for being mean to my mom. Please forgive me.

Nevaeh King

Dear Santa,

I am sorry for all of the bad things that I did. Tahnke you for the electric go cart. Can i have two bateries for it? I would also like jeans because I need them. Can I also have a 4 wheeler that has nos.

Love, Trevor

Dear Santa,

Would you please bring me a touch phone. Would you please bring me a tablet. Would you please bring me a laptop. Can you bring me a green phone case.

Enya Morrison

Dear Santa,

I wan’t some beyblades because they spin. I wan’t some cool shirts to. I wan’t the Book Duck for president.


Dear Santa,

I would like a BarBie doll house. I want a bay doll with food a bottle and diperes and clothes. I want a Justin Beiber bed with Justin Beiber pillows and blankets.


Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year I want a stuffed elf. I need a pink blanket. I’d also like pants and boots and the book, “Polar bear, Polar bear what do you hear.” What I’d really love you to bring me is a princess book.

Love, Haven Girty

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year I want ABC chicken noodle soup. I need shoes. I’d also like jammies and Frosty the Snowman. I’d really love you to bring me a polar bear.

Love, Dominic Trotter

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