Pea Ridge Times

Live and let live


The First Amendment freedom of religion is as important today as when the Bill of Rights was first written.

Arlen Specter

U.S. Senator from Pennsylvan­ia, born 1930, died 2012

Editor, I read a letter to the paper (Ark. Dem-Gazette) Friday that made a lot of sense to me. Essentiall­y, the author said, “Stay out of our lives.” He was referring to those (politician­s, etc.) who feel they have to tell us how to live our lives.

You’re anti abortion — don’t have one. You’re anti -birth control — don’t use it. You’re anti-evolution — consider sending your kids to a church school. You’re anti-samesex marriage — don’t marry a member of the same sex.

Like most people, I have my opinions on all of the above and that’s all they are — my opinions. I have no desire to foster them upon someone else and I have no desire to have others’ opinions fostered upon me. Unfortunat­ely, that is happening too much now given the current climate in Little Rock and elsewhere. As long as what I think and do doesn’t threaten, harm, hurt, disparage or damage others, and is within the law and bounds of civil society, what difference is it to you? Especially to you who are legislatin­g your interpreta­tion of what I should think and do.

As the saying goes, “live and let live.”



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