Pea Ridge Times

Safety work during break


When students return to school after spring break, they will find changes to the school buildings.

Contractor­s are scheduled to work during spring break next week replacing glass in doors and replacing doors on school facilities as part of the enhanced security, said superinten­dent Rick Neal.

The glass panes at the entrance to the gym on the high school will “become brick and block,” according to Mike Castagna with Baldwin & Shell, contractor­s for the job.

School Board members met Monday night and discussed school security, rehired teachers and heard a technology report.

Keith Martin, principal of Pea Ridge Primary School, was named as the new assistant superinten­dent and Aaron Gaffigan, currently director of ALE (alternativ­e learning environmen­t) and technology director, was named the principal of the Primary School.

“Mr. Martin will be involved in developmen­t of food service, transporta­tion, grant writing,” Neal told board members, adding that Gaffigan will still be technology director.

In other business, the board:

• Approved a $58,000 purchase of video equipment with grant money.

• Accepted the resignatio­ns of Jennifer Ockinga, math teacher; Van Ender- son, choir director; Dedy Brock, media specialist; and Lee Hall, bus driver.

• Changed Patricia Cagle’s contract from half time to full time.

• Approved teacher contracts for renewal with five contracts tabled.

• Approved a student’s exemption from physical education with both a doctor’s recommenda­tion and approval from the State Department of Education.

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