Pea Ridge Times

Library move taking place March 18


Moving day is here, at last! Winter Moving and Storage will handle the move on Monday, March 18. If all goes according to plan, they will have us moved to the new building in just a few hours. Sure makes me feel better having profession­al movers handle this. I was very concerned about many aspects of this move, not the least of which was someone getting injured. Once everything is in the new building, the Library Board members and I will begin scanning the books into the new system and getting all the books on the shelves. All adult fiction will be in alphabetic­al order by the author’s last name. Nonfiction books will remain as they are now — using the Dewey Decimal System.

There will be a few things not finished when we move in, i.e. brick will replace the siding on the outside of the building and the landscapin­g will be completed by the Lion’s Club after the brickwork is complete. A book drop will be added as the brick is going up. Until that is complete we are asking that books be returned to the Pickens Street location drop slot when the library is closed.

Not all the public use computers will be installed until after we move in. Some are being donated and won’t be here until after the move. New displays for the children’s area may not make it for opening day. But, these are all things that we can work around. The displays and a very colorful rug and some new children’s books are donations from the Optimist Club. Be sure and thank them for their contributi­on.

Telephone, Internet and Wi-Fi are ready now. Security cameras have been installed.

We had not planned to move this quickly, but it was this time or perhaps wait several more weeks until the movers could work us in their schedule. It just made sense to go for it now.

For obvious reasons, we are not accepting any book donations at this time. If you have books you want to donate and it is feasible for you, please hold them and give the library a call before bringing them by.

With the new library comes some new rules and those will be posted in the library. Everyone will be issued a new library card to facilitate check-out, checkin. It will be necessary for every patron to have a valid driver’s license or state-issued I.D. We will also need to see a piece of mail that has been sent to your current address — a utility bill will work just fine. It will take a few minutes for all this informatio­n to be put in the computer so we ask for your patience. Remember, this is all new to the library staff and we will be learning as we go.

Library books that are due beginning March 19 through April 1 may be returned to the Pickens Street location drop slot. If you choose to return them after we open there will be no late fees. However, if you have books that are due on or before March 14, late fees will apply. Fees are 20 cents per day per book and must be paid before more books can be checked-out.

We will continue with the Summer Reading Program and the Summer Story Hour. Several of you have asked about reading to the children and we would love to have you do that. Just drop your informatio­n off at the librarian’s desk. We will contact you as soon as we can get a story hour date/time set-up. Anyone working/volunteeri­ng at the library will be required to have a background check.

We are excited to welcome all of you to your new library. Coffee will be available to enjoy in the “lounge” area but not at the computer stations or while browsing for books. A sofa, chairs and tables are available so you can sit and visit with friends or even watch T.V. Our hours will continue as they are currently but very likely will be extended as we see what the community needs are.

Wish us luck and say a prayer for us as we move forward the next two weeks. Check our Facebook page for updates.

Looking forward to seeing you at the new library!

••• Editor’s note: Peggy Maddox is the librarian of the Pea Ridge Community Library. She can be reached at the library at 451-8442 or by mail at P.O. Box 9, Pea Ridge, AR 72751. Library hours are 4-8 p.m. Tuesday, 10 a.m. to noon and 1-5 p.m. Wednesday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday. The library web site is www.pearigecom­munitylibr­

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