Pea Ridge Times

Pour into your children’s lives

- MICHAEL SMITH Youth Pastor First Baptist Church, Pea Ridge

I recently celebrated another year of life, and for my birthday my wife bought Oklahoma City Thunder tickets for my son and me. We both enjoy basketball, but had never been to a NBA game. Jacob and I were very excited to go. The game was in the evening so we ended up staying the night. We talked and laughed most of the way there. I think that because we didn’t know what to expect, it made the game that much more exciting.

When we arrived at the game, we entered the arena with eyes wide open and irremovabl­e smiles. I have been to a lot of stadiums and arenas but I am always blown away when you first see the size of the place. It makes you feel small compared to the enormous size of the facility. Once we found our seats we just kept smiling and laughing.

I loved watching my son smile and get into the environmen­t of the game. He would dance to the music, cheer for the team, and try his best to get on the big screen. We both had such a good time, but before we knew it the game was over. I couldn’t help but to think about how life is about making memories and I really wanted this to be one of those that he would always remember.

As a parent, we must make positive memories with our kids. They don’t all have to be sport’s games or things that cost money. They can be as simple as game night and popcorn. We need to have those memory markers that our kids can look back on and smile. Those opportunit­ies also give you great moments to speak truth into their lives.

Our world is filled with so much negativity and it seems like it is getting worse. Kids can be filled with negative images and hear about a dark world. You may create a pretty positive environmen­t in your house, but kids will still hear the negativity from the culture. When we create moments for our kids, then we can pour in a lot of affirmatio­n.

On our drive back, I spent some time telling Jacob that I loved him, that I was proud of him, and that I am proud to be his dad. His face lit up brighter than when we were at the game. The truth is that games will come and go, but the amount of time that we as parents and grandparen­ts spend pouring into our kids is what really matters.

I love to receive gifts and I love to give them. I was thinking about Matthew 7:11: “If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” Our Father loves to give good gifts to His children. His gifts are far greater than any we could dream of. I can have great moments with my sons, and I can encourage them with love and praise. However, if I do not share Jesus with them and teach them to live as Christ then I fail as a parent. The greatest gift I have ever received was when my Heavenly Father gave His Son for my salvation. That is the greatest gift that I want to share with my sons.

••• Editor’s note: Michael Smith is the youth pastor of First Baptist Church, Pea Ridge. He can be contacted at

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