Pea Ridge Times

Library up, running

- PEGGY MADDOX Pea Ridge Librarian

We have done it! The library is up and running! It has been a long — and sometimes hard—– journey but thanks to many wonderful people, we have succeeded.

A few dedicated volunteers have worked tirelessly for months to make the new library a reality. I will be eternally grateful to Tony Townsend and Corey ?? for getting the building ready for the move and for never losing their patience with us. A big thanks to the city guys who have moved furniture, bricks, etc. The ladies on the Library Board have gone above and beyond — they have packed, unpacked, wiped down books, labeled books, shelved books, decorated and assured me repeatedly that we would survive until opening day. Some of these board members and volunteers put in countless hours after working their regular jobs and in some cases taking vacation days to keep us on schedule. You are my heroes and I applaud you!

The list of donors would more than fill this entire column. Within the next few weeks we will have a plaque in the library with their names. After you see this list, please make sure you thank those folks for helping make this new library happen.

While we hope everything runs smoothly with our new system, we know that some glitches can occur so we ask your patience while we all familiariz­e ourselves with this system. In the long run it will make things much easier on the patrons and staff.

Because we have implemente­d a new check-out/ check-in system, you will need to bring your drivers license or state issued photo I.D. and a piece of mail such as a utility bill that has been sent to your current address. There is a form that will need to be completed and signed in the presence of a library staff person.

Our hours will remain the same until we get a feel for what the community needs. Hours are: Tuesday — 4 p.m. until 8 p.m.; Wednesday and Thursday 10 a.m. until noon and 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. The library will strictly adhere to these times.

The library will not have a coffee bar at this time. And no food or drink will be allowed in the building.

Looking forward to seeing you in the new building.


Editor’s note: Peggy Maddox is the librarian of the Pea Ridge Community Library. She can be reached at the library at 451-8442 or by mail at P.O. Box 9, Pea Ridge, AR 72751. Library hours are 4-8 p.m. Tuesday, 10 a.m. to noon and 1-5 p.m. Wednesday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday. The library web site is www. pearigecom­munitylibr­

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