Pea Ridge Times

Showing love in laundry


The women’s ministry from First Baptist Church, Garfield, is beginning a ministry to serve their neighbors in northwest Arkansas.

Karen Vanscoy said: “We hear everyday about our big struggling world and we continue to pray for relief. Right here where we are standing is our world; our families, our children. This is who GOD gave us to love on, to feed, to encourage and be HIS hands and feet to.”

The Women’s Ministry at FBC Garfield made laundry detergent and are partnering with Wright’s Laundry, owned by Mary Wright, to start Laundry Love in Pea Ridge, and soon at Wright’s Laundry in Seligman, MO., (owned by Lemoine and Jimmy Wright).

On the last Friday night of every month from 6-8 p.m. anyone in the community can bring clothing and bedding to the laundry mat and can wash items free of charge, Vanscoy said.

“We will also serve dinner to all who are hungry,” she said, inviting others to serve and donate.

To donate, contact FBC Garfield at 359-3496, or bring some quarters and love on a few people, Vanscoy said.

“Pea Ridge community is very close and very unique. Everyone is quick to love and support those that are hurting or struggling,” she said, adding that the women have adopted the motto “If you hurt we hurt!”

Vanscoy cited the Scripture: “And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’” (Matthew 25:40 ESV)

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