Pea Ridge Times

Palm Sunday — a time for praise

- PASTOR BRIAN TIMMONS ••• Editor’s note: Brian Timmons is the pastor of Pea Ridge and Brightwate­r Methodist Churches. He can be contacted at 925-0167 or by e-mail at pastortimm­

This Sunday is Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday is the sixth and final Sunday of the Lent Season. Palm Sunday is one of the few holidays of the church which has not been turned into a secular commercial­ized holiday. Christmas has become a celebratio­n based on gifts and decoration­s with less emphasis on Christ. Easter has gone the same way with a large emphasis on the Easter Bunny and candy and gifts. Palm Sunday is different. As of now, Palm Sunday has not become commercial­ized.

Palm Sunday is always the Sunday before Easter. It is a time to remember and celebrate the triumphant entry Jesus made into Jerusalem. Jesus had been telling the disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and when there he would be put on trial and crucified.

When Jesus arrived at Jerusalem, he entered the city riding on a donkey which showed peace and humility and fulfilled prophecy about the Messiah. When Jesus entered the city, people waved palm branches to show respect and shouted Hosanna which is understood to be a shout of praise or adoration. People praised Jesus that day and recognized him as a king and a week later the people would be shouting “crucify him.” A lot would happen in that week. About a third of what is recorded in the gospels took place during that one week that Jesus was in Jerusalem.

Jesus could have chosen to avoid Jerusalem, but that was not God’s plan. God’s plan was salvation for humanity that would occur through the crucifixio­n and then resurrecti­on of Jesus which we celebrate on Easter. Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem was an act of selflessne­ss and demonstrat­ed grace and mercy for humanity.

So, on Palm Sunday wave the palms and say your Hosannas.

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