Pea Ridge Times

Keep Sugar Creek Road dirt, residents say


“I hope y’all don’t come down my way. I’m opposed.”

Beverly Wilson

GARFIELD — Several area residents appeared before the City Council expressing opposition to Benton County’s plan to pave Sugar Creek Road.

“I hope y’all don’t come down my way. I’m opposed,” Beverly Wilson, who lives on Sugar Creek Road, said.

“I live on Sugar Creek Road,” Michelle Dye said. “I’ve been to the Quorum Court, to the transporta­tion department and they said we need to let you guys know. I’m opposed. They’re planning it as a connector road between (Ark. Hwy.) 127 and (U.S. Hwy.) 62. Most of us lived there our whole lives. We enjoy the dirt road. We just wanted the City Council to know we don’t want you guys to spend the money.”

The project being opposed is a Benton County proposal, Mayor Gary Blackburn explained. He agreed to write a letter to County Judge Bob Clinard to inform him of the opposition.

Jasper Cook said: “I’m 101 percent again it! You ever try moving cattle across a black- top? If it goes to blacktop, we’ll block the road when we move cattle.”

Jeremy Decker: “The issue I have with what’s going on is that we have no where to voice our opinion. I called you and gave you my thoughts, we don’t want pavement. I was told unofficial­ly from county judge that they weren’t going to pave it, but they’re still out there.”

“The day you called me, I called the county judge, we had a good conversati­on,” Blackburn said. “He went on to tell me that the project was scheduled for July of this year … I expressed my concern also. It would negatively impact Garfield businesses.”

Kim Kassing said: “In 1941, my grandparen­ts bought a place on Sugar Creek Road, it’s been dirt as long as I can remember from 62 highway to Walnut Hill Road … if they have a couple of million they want to waste, give it to the water department.”

“Thank you guys for inter- rupting your city council meeting to hear our county problem,” Dye said.

In other business, Bill McClain, chairman of Planning Commission, said: “We are looking forward to working on plans. Right now, it’s signs — we’ve got the opportunit­y to set guidelines. I’ll be attending a planning training session. Our regular meetings are 6 p.m. the last Thursday of every month. You’re always welcome.” Garfield Council members:

• Approved minutes of the Feb. 16 council meeting;

• Approved a resolution approving the use of state funds for road improvemen­t for Wimpy Jones and Alvin Seamster roads;

• Declined to donate $1,000 to Ozark Regional Transit;

• Approved paying $190.76 in dues for hazardous materials response;

• Heard several proposals for refinancin­g the water system loan, but took no action on those proposals.

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