Pea Ridge Times



“We should build respect and understand­ing between the diverse cultures of the world. We should help construct communitie­s where people of different background­s can live together as neighbors.

Freedom is something for which we must fight, not by limiting it but by strengthen­ing it.”

Alex Byrne, Chair of the IFLA/FAIFE Committee

To: Honorable Judge Clinard

Re: Reduction of Speed Limits on Lee Town Road

This comes to you from Darshan Hamilton, husband of former Garfield mayor, Laura Hamilton. We residents, in the areas of Garfield, Gateway and the other areas of the U.S. Highway 62 corridor, are more than a little upset with the recent severe reductions in speed limits, by up to a full 20 mph, on Lee Town Road. We sincerely feel these to be Greatly excessive, over-cautionary, and, frankly, unnecessar­y. The new speed limits are extremely frustratin­g for those of us who drive it daily (and some of us drive it multiple times per day).

I have been asked to ascertain the source of these decisions, as the initial “complaint load” was being directed toward Pea Ridge city government and Police Department, who were erroneousl­y thought to be the perpetrato­r of the reduction.

There are several reasons we (who are the principle users of this road) feel these changes to be both unnecessar­y, and unwarrante­d.

• This is the main route to Pea Ridge and the preferred ‘back-route/shortcut’ to north Bentonvill­e, and the square, for all the towns (and residents) on the northeast Benton County Hwy. 62 corridor;

• This is also the closest access to large grocery and general shopping area, as well as banking, restaurant­s, for all of us along Hwy. 62. The change can affect Pea Ridge’s commercial business, substantia­lly, as it makes it faster to now drive to Rogers.

• We have lived here for 23 years, and others as nearly as long, or longer, and cannot remember a serious auto accident on this stretch of road, hence, is the reduction the best way to handle a possible safety issue?

• Farm vehicles pay NO road taxes (that’s why ‘off-road’ fuel is so cheap), and they, subsequent­ly, as non-contributo­rs, have only permission for ‘road crossing/use’ for field access — not a RIGHT of use for travel — they are always subject to safe operation in RESPECT of traffic, and never a participan­t in delegating roadway regulation­s. Consciousn­ess of their presence is the main concern, for the safety of the legal (taxpayers/owners) traffic using the road. This is accomplish­ed with yellow cautionary signs, with suggested speeds.

• Traffic Law Enforcemen­t, only, maintains respect of speed limits. The sheriff’s department should be called for ‘speed limit enforcemen­t’ rather than lowering speed limits to unrealisti­c speeds, which only causes more people to violate the law.

• Nearby government­s and police department­s (Pea Ridge), and principle road commuters/users were not consulted prior to the radical reductions being implemente­d.

Here are the speed limits and cautionary signage that we feel would be appropriat­e and respectful of ALL users in Benton County.

The slowdowns would only be about 5 mph, overall, and the farm would be better noticed with drivers advised, by signage, of the safety concern.

Respectful­ly yours,


Garfield, Ark.

Poll workers are puppets

One of those political pole (sic) people called me the other day to ask my opinion on some issues. The way in which the questions were submitted to me was said in such a way that either way I answered could be construed as being in the poles (sic) favor or detriment.

These people who are working these phone lines are just puppets for the organizati­ons they work for. They have very smart people who come up with these specific questions that they ask. The way that the questions are presented to the public are asked in such a way that they could lead the person who is answering the question in the way that the pole (sic) worker wants them to answer even if that is not necessaril­y what the person believes or thinks.

The fellow who called me only asked me four questions, but they were leading questions. they were designed to elicit the answer that they wanted to hear.

The problem that I personally see that we have in the USA is that we basically only have two political parties that are adamantly opposed to each other on practicall­y every issue. We have the Democrats and we have the Republican­s. The way that the person votes for an individual is still primarily the same way that their mother and father before them.

The problem is that if you follow one line it will take you to the wire which cuts your head off just like the chickens at the poultry plants and if you follow the other line it will hit you between the eyes with an air pulse gun like they have at the cattle and hog slaughter houses. It does not make a difference which line you get into. Both lines will eventually lead you as dumb animals being let to the slaughter. Do you know what that is called? That is a “Gentile.”

For those of you who know how the game of chess is played. The people who are in the upper class group with more money than most nations are actually playing us all against each other so that they will eventually get what they want. When you talk about the people who are really running things names like the Bilderberg­s and the Rothschild’s (sic) and the Rockefelle­rs keep coming up. The people who attend the private Bilderberg yearly meetings are the people who finance wars and set world policy. They own and control the media around the world.

This is all one big chess game that is being played on a world wide scale. We are all just pawns in a very big game.

Back to the Democrats and the Republican­s again. Do you know why they have a hard time getting anything done in Washington, D.C.? Can you tell me what the opposite word for progress is? That is Congress, there is a pro and there is con.

Don’t get me wrong, I will vote when it is time, but I do not like to vote along party lines.


Pea Ridge, Ark.

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