Pea Ridge Times

Gateway shuts down Police Department


GATEWAY — After four months in existence, the Gateway Police Department was officially shut down at Tuesday’s City Council meeting. Mayor Frank Hackler said that the town’s sole police officer, Grant Hardin, submitted his letter of resignatio­n Friday, May 6.

Gateway treasurer Sherry Robinette rescinded her resignatio­n, which she announced last month. The council voted 5-0 to officially keep her at the post until her term is up in 2018.

“The decision to resign was kind of spur-of-the-moment,” Robinette said. “I’ve been on this council, either as the treasurer or as an alderman, for over six years.”

The Police Department has been a subject of criticism from other aldermen since its inception.

Hackler began Tuesday’s meeting with an apology.

“Life is made of choices, and sometimes we make the wrong choice,” he said. “And I think, prematurel­y, I made a bad choice on starting the police department as soon as we did. A little more thought should have been put into it.”

Gateway was set to receive an $18,000 state grant to help fund the department. State Senator Cecile Bledsoe had planned on attending the council meeting to present the funding to the town.

“I called Sen. Bledsoe on Friday and had the grant we had gotten canceled,” Hackler said. “I still feel in my heart that down the road, as we get bigger, we’re going to need a police department, but I think … I need to involve the council. And we’ll try to do better in the future.”

Other council members were appreciati­ve of the mayor’s apology, but wondered what would happen with all of the police expenses that will now go unused.

“I make a motion that all of the police equipment be put in the recorder/treasurer’s control until the council decides what to do with it,” alderwoman Cheryl Tillman said.

“It’s already there,” Hackler said. “Including the car. It’s all taken care of.”

Alderwoman Carol Frost noted how different the meeting’s tenor was compared with past months now that the police department was shut down.

“I just want to say it’s been an enjoyable meeting tonight with- out all the fussing, and I really enjoy it,” said alderwoman Diana Nichols.

“I really appreciate Frank apologizin­g to us,” said Nichols.

The council voted 5-0 to accept the resignatio­n of Grant Hardin.

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