Pea Ridge Times

Bills passed affecting education

- CECILE BLEDSOE Arkansas Senator

LITTLE ROCK — As the General Assembly approaches the final days of this year’s regular session, lawmakers approved bills affecting public and private education, criminal justice, prisons, election procedures, campaign finance and unemployme­nt benefits.

Senate Bill 647 is a 60page measure that sets up new accountabi­lity and assessment tools used in public schools. Educators will be affected by how it changes the methods for designatin­g schools that are in academic distress. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 23-to-4. It went to the House Education Committee.

The Senate passed SB 746, by a vote of 22-to-5, to set up education savings accounts into which individual­s and corporatio­ns can donate money and receive tax credits.

Parents can apply for financial help from the accounts to offset the cost of tuition and other expenses of sending their children to private schools. It also was referred to the House Education Committee.

The Senate voted unanimousl­y in favor of HB 1014 to allow teachers to claim up to $250 a year in income tax deductions for expenses they incur buying school supplies for their students from their own pocket. It went to the governor.

Both chambers passed and the governor signed Act 539 to eliminate the death penalty and life without parole for people who commit capital offenses before they turn 18. Those inmates would be eligible to appear at a parole hearing after 25 or 30 years in prison, depending on their original sentence.

The Senate passed a criminal justice measure, SB 177 to require inmates to serve at least 80 percent of their sentence if they have been in prison at least three times previously.

Some lawmakers voiced concerns over the potential $20 million a year in additional costs the bill would create for state prisons.

After it passed the Senate on a 20-to-9 vote, it was referred to the House Judiciary Committee.

The legislatur­e approved and sent to the governor HB 1047 to require voters to present identifica­tion with a photo in order to cast a ballot.

Political action committees, explorator­y committees and independen­t expenditur­e groups must file their finance reports electronic­ally under HB 1010, which has been approved by both chambers and sent to the governor.

The House approved HB 1707 to permanentl­y move the date of primary elections to March. It was referred to the Senate State Agencies and Government­al Affairs Committee.

The legislatur­e has passed and sent to the governor HB 1405 to shorten from 20 to 16 weeks the length of time someone may receive unemployme­nt insurance benefits.

It also lowers the wage base from $12,000 to $10,000, which will lower unemployme­nt insurance taxes for Arkansas businesses by an estimated $50 million a year.

••• Editor’s note: Arkansas Senator Cecile Bledsoe represents the third district. From Rogers, Sen. Bledsoe is chair of the Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee.

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