Pea Ridge Times


- BOYD B. MCNIEL Pea Ridge, Ark.

Views from the left and right

I have been musing (deliberati­ng) lately.

Have you watched the news on TV lately? Just hoping to learn what is going on in the world? It seems that they are not telling us much. I ran across an article a while back that has a quote from Mika Brzezinski (MSNBC) who spoke for all of her fellow media propagandi­sts when she stated that “Our job is to control exactly what people think.”

We all get so distracted with issues which come up in our busy lives that we miss all the bad things that are happening around us.

We elect our representa­tives to run our local and regional government business hoping that they will run things the way that we would if we had the time and aptitude to do it ourselves.

The more you hear the more you find that there are very radial views from both the left and the right.

For instance, some people want to completely do away with guns. Then, there are those people who want to own and carry fully automatic weapons which can hold over 100 rounds per clip. More people in this area have been shot and killed by police then (sic) by anyone else. Maybe there is a reason the people want to keep their guns fully loaded.

Then, you have most American believing in only having a man and a woman in marriages. But the ones who are always making the most noise to the elected officials are the ones with the liberal homosexual life styles. The only time the politician­s hear from the conservati­ves is when we are forced to accept the homosexual­s ad transgende­r people going into the wrong bathroom or kissing each other in public.

The United States is a nation of immigrants. People have come here from all over the world. The Irish came here and were taken advantage of. Then it was the Africans who were brought here against their will and enslaves. Then the Chinese were brought here to help build the railroads.

Today it is the en and women from south of the border who are being used as second hand citizens. The farmers need these people to work the farms and the big business need them for cheap labor. The U.S. military will take and train them to fight for this country but when they make mistakes the immigratio­n officials send them back where they came from.

They say that we now need a photo ID in order to vote. In my opinion, we should have to show an ID. Why is it even a question?

They say that the Wells Fargo bank is collapsing due to their declining customer base. Question: Why were they not completely shut down after their latest banking scandal?

How did that quote go again? “Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil.”

“It is a new hate speech during times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolution­ary act.” George Orwell.

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