Pea Ridge Times

Three parcels rezoned

RV park proposed


All rezoning and home occupation requests put before the Pea Ridge Planning Commission Board of Adjustment­s were approved Tuesday, June 6.

One section of land at the end of Ellis Lane was rezoned from R-1 to A-1 for Jared Woodard whose property was caught in the middle of an annexation. Woodard said he is building a singlefami­ly home but wanted the rezoning to have the five acres required to raise animals within the city limits.

Neighbor Nicole Harris spoke up about this rezoning to ask for city improvemen­ts to Ellis Lane. She said it is only “one car wide” and people drive into her yard to pass and turn around.

City Street superinten­dent Nathan See said with the rezoning, Ellis Lane will be maintained as a city street.

Rezoning from A-1 to some version of R zoning took care of the other requests.

Franklin Miller of M.P. Developmen­t requested an A-1 to R-2SF zoning for 14.57 acres adjacent to the other Elkhorn Ridge developmen­ts. Miller called this Phase III, and he said the 42 homes he plans to put on it will be built by

the same builder he used before, Ronald Ragon Homes and will have the same density as Phases I and II.

Dr. Karen Sherman, vice president of the Planning Commission, asked why Phase III had not been presented along with Elkhorn Ridge Phases I and II. Miller said he didn’t know at that time which direction he was going to take the developmen­t and had only recently purchased the land.

Sue Elverston spoke to address her concern about the impact of the developmen­t on roads and drainage. She said Ross Salvage and Blue Jay roads have had drainage problems and erosion due to the recent floods. Miller said some roads will be paved but not Blue Jay.

A third rezoning request was for A-1 to R-3 for 13.39 acres on Sugar Creek Road to develop an RV park. James Guertz, representi­ng property owner Jeff Arnold, said the developmen­t will include drainage work to the east toward U.S. Hwy. 62, and it will also improve some culverts along Sugar Creek Road, making them concrete to avoid road wash out. He said the RV park will “look like the one on (Ark.) Hwy. 112 near Cave Springs.”

Some area residents presented concerns about the RV park being in a flood zone and pointed to the late April floods and the damage still present along Peck Road bridge and the high gravel piles in the creek. Bruce Bowen, who lives at the east end of the Big Sugar Golf Course, said he couldn’t get out any of the three ways into his property during the April flooding, and the water came up as high as the old barn on the Studor which is no longer there but is still used as a reference point for the height water can get.

In response to planner Chris Johnson’s concern about road wash out, Guertz said the plan is to keep Sugar Creek Road gravel. See asked if they planned to widen the road, and Guertz said, “We’ll have to see what we can fit in there. The road is mostly 20 foot wide now, with a few 16-foot-wide spots.”

Jeannie Bowen asked what R-3 allows. Several commission­ers explained it would allow three- or four-story apartment complexes, a mobile home park and multifamil­y residences.

Sherman said RVs must move every 30 days and be able to leave within one hour.

Bowen said he is concerned about the loss of watershed. He said water can’t soak through concrete, asphalt, or shingles, and that “water is going now where it never did before.” He said, “A lot of water goes through (Sugar Creek) with a lot of force.” Bowen said he lost two acres of land during this year’s flooding.

The flood of 2011 brought down the Peck Road bridge, which was rebuilt. It withstood the April floods but lost all its rail guards on the east side and about half of them on the west due to debris pile up. The pile of white gravel to the east of the bridge looks to be about 20 feet high, and deep erosion flanks both ends of the bridge, which is less than a mile from the proposed RV park.

In other business, the commission:

• Approved a request from school administra­tors to move mobile classroom units onto the High School campus;

• Approved a new mobile home be moved onto property at 600 Halleck Lane by Jerry Francisco to replace an old one, which will be removed; and

• Approved home occuaption­s at 101 Blair Circle, 2068 Park Circle and 1040 Weston St.

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