Pea Ridge Times



To the citizens and my friends of the city,

I’d like to take this opportunit­y to thank the citizens, friends and supporters for allowing me to represent and speak on your behalf as Pea Ridge alderman for these past 13 years. I consider it an honor and privilege to have had your confidence and trust in making and/or voting on issues, which would impact you as taxpaying citizens and friends. It has been an adventure to say the least, and I hope I did not disappoint you in the process. I am confident that you all know my heart has always been in the right place and your best interest was my steadfast goal. I know I gave you my best.

I extend my sincere wish of good luck to the incoming aldermen for the opportunit­ies and issues both good and challengin­g that they will encounter in their upcoming terms. New and fresh ideas will be a welcome advancemen­t for our city growth, and these two gentlemen are a wealth of new ideas for improvemen­t.

If I can leave any advice at all to the incoming aldermen, it would be:

• Always remember who you represent, answer to, and are accountabl­e to. It is NOT the mayor, nor the city recorder, nor the city attorney. It is the taxpaying citizens who had the confidence and trust to vote you into office to represent and speak FOR THEM.

• Be true to them, yourself and your integrity. Work as a unified team with all the city officials for the betterment of our citizens, friends and our unique city. Be frugal with the taxpayers’ hard earned dollars. Many people are depending upon you, and all eyes will be watching you with their confidence and anticipati­on. This is our home.

To all the city officials, hard working employees, department heads, mayor, city recorder, city attorney, and all the others who make our city tick from day to day: We may have disagreed on some issues, but you will always be my friends and I’ve enjoyed working with all of you.

I bid all of you a fond goodbye and I wish each of you my very best.

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