Pea Ridge Times

Watching ‘democracy at its worst’

- Lynch Pen ••• Editor’s note: Leo Lynch, an award-winning columnist, is a native of Benton County and has deep roots in northwest Arkansas. The opinions expressed are those of the author. He is a retired industrial engineer and former Justice of the Peac

No one should try to speak for someone else and this is only my view, but the political mess in Washington is hard to ignore. So, these opinions should come with a disclaimer and do not necessaril­y represent the views of my household or those of anyone with whom I might discuss politics.

No newscast seems to be reporting on how the other nations of the world view America’s current impeachmen­t trial of President Trump. However, it is difficult for me to believe the world isn’t watching America’s embarrassi­ng display of “democracy at its worst.” Can we conceivabl­y impress other countries with our display of hostility between political parties or the comments which become standard rhetoric during the hearings and this is before the actual impeachmen­t process began?

Depending on the news source, you can judge how seriously the senators are taking the “trial” of President Trump by their activities during the speeches by the “managers.” Reports of a senator working crossword puzzles or the news media reporting what senators are drinking is maybe a realistic measure of their attitude and the view of the news media. Regular reports of the expected outcome of the final vote indicate without a major breakthrou­gh by the Democrats, there will be no surprises.

Can other countries not feel that our role model lacks integrity? Should Ukraine not be embarrasse­d to be drawn into our impeachmen­t process by the constant reminder about Trump’s telephone calls and the holdup of military funds which is a part of Trump’s violation? And worse yet, the House manager from California says the House has proven its case! Who exactly does he think believes that?

In case you read the previous comments and think I have a Trump T-shirt that says “Make America Great Again,” think again. He has proven to be an embarrassm­ent to many devoted Americans regardless of political affiliatio­n. It is one thing to have voted for him in light of the Democratic Party’s choice for a presidenti­al candidate. It is yet another thing to consider him a candidate for a top position in our nation’s history.

He certainly has accomplish­ed some of the things he promised. He has also made some promises that are yet to be fulfilled. If I were to be required to say I think he has done anything to warrant the impeachmen­t label, I could not/ would not think so. His manner of his position as our top elected official however does leave me wondering if I want him in the White House for a second term.

The really big question for me is who do the Democrats have to offer? We watched part of the political debates, but I/we don’t find any of the candidates separating themselves from the field of people at the podiums.

Would the Democratic Party be better off turning to the dark horse Bloomberg who seems to be spending a portion of his own funds to campaign? That sounds a little like the way Donald Trump, television star, began his campaign. At least Mr. Bloomberg had some political experience instead of firing make-believe employees on television.

All I’m sure of is how far we have gotten from a sane, factual, dignified campaign — if there actually was such a thing when I was too naive to know the truth.

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