Pea Ridge Times



50 Years Ago Pea Ridge Graphic Vol. 5 No. 39 Thursday, Sept. 24, 1970

Races have developed in four municipal offices in Pea Ridge. Those seeking city seats include Jack Musteen, incumbent, and Bill Denman, for mayor; Fred McKinney, incumbent, and Mrs. Golda Calvin, for recorder; and for aldermen: Daryle L. Greene and Clymer C. Cooper, Ward 1, Position 1; Dean Messer, Ward 1, Position 2; Lee Otis Hall, Ward 2, Position 1; and Jerry Wilkerson, incumbent, and Mrs. Carrie Wright, Ward 2 Position 2.

The Pea Ridge School is again publishing an annual (yearbook). The total price will be $4 with a down payment of $1.50 to be paid when the books are ordered.

Mrs. Pat Bienvenu and Mrs. Pat Holmes, both of Pea Ridge, were both honored with the First Pearl Award, the highest honor their sorority, Epsilon Sigma Alpha Internatio­nal, can bestow.

40 Years Ago Pea Ridge Graphic-Scene Vol. 15 No. 39 Wednesday, Sept. 24, 1980

Lynn Galyen and John Phillips are announcing the purchase and sale of the Phillips Food Center effective Sept. 27. Galyen, purchaser with Ray Gerard, says the name of the business will become Pea Ridge Food Store.

The Pea Ridge School Board Monday reversed its decision not to approve sending student Patty Davis to the alternativ­e school, hired David Foster as cafeteria custodian, hired a replacemen­t for fourth-grade teacher Wanda Harbit, and heard a number of reports from superinten­dent Roy Roe.

Pea Ridge Police Chief Loyd Pifer reported a call was received at 3 a.m. Sept. 20 concerning an intruder in the Jewell Maloney residence in Pea Ridge. Investigat­ion by the PRPD, with cooperatio­n with the Benton County Sheriff’s Office, resulted in the arrest of a 20-year-old suspect who has since been released.

Eddie Inghram is a living miracle. Years ago, doctors said he wouldn’t live to see 8 or 9, yet he is alive and well in Pea Ridge at 32 years of age. At six months, doctors determined he was a hemophilia­c — an internal bleeder. He graduated as salutatori­an in 1968 from PRHS and married in 1971.

30 Years Ago Pea Ridge Country Times Vol. 25 No. 39 Thursday, Sept. 27, 1990

Thirty days from today, there are people in Pea Ridge who will receive letters from the city telling them they must clean up their property. That’s when Ordinance 166, passed last week by the Council, will be effective. Police Chief Sam Holcomb said he will enforce the ordinance.

The Pea Ridge City Council was expected to approve an ordinance that gives the Police Department responsibi­lity for the city’s ambulance service. Mayor Mary Rogers said she called a special meeting because she considers the transfer of responsibi­lity from the Fire Department to the Police Department too important to wait until the Oct. 18 meeting of the council.

Pea Ridge School superinten­dent Marvin Higginbott­om said a fifth kindergart­en class this year would require the use of facilities at one of the nearby

churches. He said if enrollment continues to increase a fifth kindergart­en class may have to be added.

20 Years Ago The TIMES of Northeast Benton County Vol. 35 No. 39 Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2000

A three-way race for position on the Pea Ridge School Board has narrowed to a two way race. Billy Clark and Terry Anderson will face each other in a runoff on Oct. 10.

Do you play euchre? Then I have a partner for you. Alice Smith at Oak Ridge Lodge is looking for some people to play euchre, the card game, with her. No one at the lodge knows how.

Eiko Sheppard of Pea

Ridge is once again offering her unique menu of Chinese Japanese and American dishes at her old location on East Pickens at the corner of Davis Street. From 1990-1993, Eiko’s was a fixture in downtown Pea Ridge. A succession of restaurant­s followed her in the same location.

10 Years Ago The TIMES of Northeast Benton County Vol. 45 No. 39 Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2010

Steve Guthrie was sworn in as the newest City Council member and took his seat for the regular September meeting. Three men — Guthrie, Christophe­r Hatch and Jerry Burton — were interviewe­d in a committee of the whole meting prior to Council. Council members denied a request for a shooting range on the property of Frank Pinto on Hazelton Road.

Four men are running for mayor — Rick Webb, Boyd McNiel, Jackie Crabtree (incumbent) and Joe Hart. Webb says he’s running for mayor because he has a passion for the town. McNiel says he believes there needs to be more accountabi­lity. Crabtree said he has more work to do. Hart said the mayor’s salary is excessive.

After a tied vote, three motions and seconds, an abstention, the salary for the office of mayor was lowered from $40,000 to $26,050 for the term beginning Jan. 1, 2011.

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