Pea Ridge Times



50 Years Ago Pea Ridge Graphic Vol. 6 No. 50 Thursday, Dec. 16, 1971

Meeting in regular monthly session Thursday night, the Pea Ridge City Council voted to have Gray’s Steel Fabricatin­g build a metal tank for the city’s recently purchased army surplus truck in order to convert the truck into another tank truck for the fire department.

The Christmas holiday vacation is scheduled to begin Wednesday, Dec. 22, with dismissal of classes at 1:30 p.m. and resume classes Monday, Jan. 3.

Santa Claus is scheduled to arrive in pea Ridge at 1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 18, bringing candy for all the good boys and girls who come to downtown to greet him. This year, Santa will be riding in Pea Ridge’s handsome new firetruck. Santa’s visit is sponsored by the local ESA Chapter with some assistance from the Chamber of Commerce.

40 Years Ago Pea Ridge Graphic-Scene Vol. 16 No. 50 Wednesday, Dec. 16, 1981

The City Council met in a four-hour executive session dealing with personnel issues and recommende­d city marshal Loyd Pifer rehire former officer David Scism. Pifer offered his resignatio­n.

Equipment, personnel and finances are moving the fledgling Volunteer Ambulance Service of Northeast Benton County closer every day to the readiness posture which will make the service available to residents of the area.

Several area churches offer Christmas programs including Gateway Chapel, Pea Ridge United Methodist Church, Nazarene Church and Weston Street Chapel.

30 Years Ago Pea Ridge Country Times

Vol. 26 No. 50 Thursday, Dec. 12, 1991

The head of the McDonald County Commission said a contract has been signed to replace the Jacket Bridge across Sugar Creek just north of Pea Ridge.

The benefit held Saturday for the Pea Ridge Christian Youth Center was a success due to much hard work on the part of several volunteers.

Pea Ridge Postmaster Debbie Anderson hopes each and every one of her 844 rural postal patrons will respond Saturday with a food donation for those in need.

The Bank of Pea Ridge has given the Pea Ridge School District $10,000 to help achieve accreditat­ion, to enhance teaching skills regarding learning-disabled students and to promote academic achievemen­t by students. Bank president Richard Kimberlin presented the check to school superinten­dent Marvin Higginbott­om.

20 Years Ago The TIMES of Northeast Benton County Vol. 36 No. 50 Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2001

A design by Codi Hickman, a sixth-grade student at Pea Ridge Middle School, was chosen as Northwest Arkansas Community College’s Christmas card this year.

New sales tax revenue paints a rosy picture for Garfield’s 2002 budget passed at Tuesday’s council meeting. The city passed a 1-cent sales tax in May; it is expected to add $18,000 to the city coffers.

The Pea Ridge City Council will pass ordinances to approve the 2002 city budge and amend the 2001 budget at its regularly monthly meeting Tuesday, Dec. 18.

10 Years Ago The TIMES of Northeast Benton County Vol. 46 No. 50 Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2011

The annual Pea Ridge Christmas Parade was well attended despite being postponed a week. The parade is sponsored by Beta Alpha.

“Have you been kissed today?” queries Billy Keene to every person he meets. “I’ve never been slapped, but I’ve come close to it a couple of times,” he laughs. His wife, Leona, approves because he is offering chocolate kisses and she actually started the 14-yearold tradition.

Progress on school constructi­on projects was one item of business to be discussed by Pea Ridge School Board members Tuesday. According to both site superinten­dents, both projects — the concrete pad for the school bus garage behind the Primary School and the Intermedia­te School constructi­on and remodel — are on time.

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