Pea Ridge Times

Events attract tourism; tourism attracts transforma­tion


Mother Teresa once said, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

This quote fits perfectly with a former column discussing the critical nature of building an army of community members or volunteers to assure a community has the bandwidth to implement their transforma­tion. Your community army is the foundation from which all transforma­tion flows. Communitie­s are like homes; one would never build the house upon the sand expecting it to last very long. You would build upon a firm foundation, assuring the house is steady and strong for a long time. Building a community is no different. Always build on a solid foundation.

Once the foundation is in place, what is one of the next steps? While an argument can be made for many various pathways, I would suggest tourism needs to be front and center. Why is tourism so important? Very simple, without new visitors to your community, regardless of the new businesses, start-ups and rehab projects, you are simply sharing the same amount of dollars in the same-sized pie. When you grow tourism, you generate new dollars increasing the size of your community financial pie.

Over the years we have seen many events. There is a simple tourism attracting event nearly any community can implement that grows both local and regional tourism, creating the dollars that flow with it. This event strategy not only works in growing tourism, it enhances revenue, excites the locals and pulls a community together.

First, search your community for events and activities already in place. This can be a farmers market, 5K run/walk, auto show, holiday activities, community garage sales, and the list goes on. Work with organizati­ons running these events and convince them they need to hold their events on the same day each month, let’s say the first Saturday of each month. Next, hold all the events in the same location. I would suggest in your downtown area if you have adequate space. Your downtown needs to be the window into your community, this is a great opportunit­y to create that.

What is the reason for having all the events in the same location? Very simple, these events by themselves may only draw a few hundred participan­ts or visitors but when holding the events together, you now have 4-5 events with their few hundred participan­ts each in the same location at the same time which now grows to an event with over one thousand participan­ts cross-pollinatin­g each other’s events.

From there, canvass the community for even more events to add. Here are a few ideas. Have a local bar sponsor a monthly cornhole championsh­ip. Have the local media company promote a local garage sale where everyone sets up at the event. Have a local yoga class conduct their class at the event. Have the local medical facility promote a community-wide walk for health. Have a local bike club? What better place to start and end a bike ride? Bring in local food trucks. Have the local pet home have an adopt-a-pet day. Bring in and create as many events as possible that become a subpart of the major event. Once you have 10-12 mini-events each bringing their few hundred participan­ts to the same place, at the same time, you will have a couple thousand people or more.

This is where the fun begins. Events such as these attract outsiders. They also attract potential sponsors as potential sponsors are always looking for events that draw as many people as possible. Bring thousands together and you will attract sponsors. With thousands of participan­ts and sponsors coupled with promotion from the media, you now have the needed ingredient­s to attract tourism as people travel for these larger types of events. Doing this you will begin to grow the community revenue base through tourism.

As with any initiative, the devil is always in the details. When implemente­d in the right way, taking the right steps, events will rejuvenate your community, grow tourism and propel your community to greater heights. Lastly, as your community creates events, ask one question each time – will this event grow tourism? If not, maybe it is time to move on spending your time on events that will.


John Newby, Pineville, MO. is a nationally recognized publisher, community, business & media consultant and speaker. He authors “Building Main Street, not Wall Street,” a column appearing in 50+ communitie­s. The founder of Truly-Local, dedicated to assisting communitie­s create excitement, energy, and combining synergies with local media to become more vibrant and competitiv­e. His email is:

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