Pea Ridge Times



50 Years Ago Pea Ridge Graphic-Scene Vol. 9 No. 11 Wednesday, March 13, 1974

The Pea Ridge School Board, in special session Monday night, employed Jim Schumacher of Pea Ridge to construct the sewer line and connection for the new gym.

The time has come to tally up the readers’ opinions as to whether they prefer for this paper to refer to them as “Arkansawye­rs” or “Arkansans.” The “Arkansawye­rs” won.

The TIMES of Pea Ridge Country Vol. 19 No. 11 Wednesday, March 14, 1984

Difference­s in policies and principles of the two major parties, Republican and Democrat, were highlighte­d for some 350 Republican­s at the annual Lincoln Day dinner Saturday night by Cong. Ed Bethune, who is challengin­g Sen. David Pryor for his seat in the upcoming election.

Garfield Elementary School was broken into Thursday night or Friday morning early and the school’s computer and cash were stolen.

Don Harrison, a veteran Benton County police officer, announced today that he will seek the Democratic nomination for Benton County sheriff.

30 Years Ago The TIMES of Northeast Benton County Vol. 29 No. 11 Thursday, March 17, 1994

The parking lot of the Battlefiel­d Center has been nearly full for much of the day during the last few weeks. There’s a new restaurant there, the Cannonball Cafe.

After 37 years as a Southern Baptist minister, Frank Navarro, retired, is working full-time to organize a Children’s Church at Weston Street Chapel in Pea Ridge.

20 Years Ago The TIMES of Northeast Benton County Vol. 39 No. 11 Wednesday, March 17, 2004

The Pea Ridge School District Strategic Planning Committee at its meeting March 9 began working on a campaign to pass the 5-mill tax increase for a new junior high school.

U. S. Rep. John Boozman, R-Ark., said Friday at a constituen­t forum in Garfield that Americans should be able to buy prescripti­on drugs from outside the United States.

More than three square miles on the north shore of Beaver Lake are the planned home for a high-end, master planned developmen­t.

After learning a recall petition on Garfield Mayor Bobby Flickinger is circulatin­g, the Garfield City Council approved a resolution at its meeting March 9 expressing support for the mayor and his handling of the Two-Ton transmissi­on water-expansion project south of Garfield.

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