Pea Ridge Times



50 Years Ago Pea Ridge Graphic-Scene Vol. 9 No. 12 Wednesday, March 20, 1974

Tony Fletcher, Jr. won a seat on the Pea Ridge School Board in last Tuesday’s election over Franklin Miller by four votes. The results showed Fletcher with 108 to Miller’s 104.

Pea Ridge volunteer fireman were summoned twice Friday night. The first call came at 11:30 p.m. when the Robert DuBois family of South Curtis Ave. returned to find that a wall furnace had ignited a wall of the home. At 5:15 a.m. the next morning, the Herman Sanders family were awakened by smoke in their home which is located about a mile and a half northeast of town.

The wild geese were not only heading north over the Pea Ridge country last week, but they were also stopping by for a rest break here. An estimated 200 of them put on a show on the Pea Ridge Military Park right in plain view of the Visitor Center Wednesday morning.

The TIMES of Pea Ridge Country Vol. 19 No. 12 Wednesday, March 21, 1984

Tim Summers, Bank of Bentonvill­e, has been named president of the Bank of Pea Ridge to succeed Rick Buck, Jim C. Walton, chairman of the board of directors of the bank announced.

It was a close call at the Dist. 8 caucus in Pea Ridge Saturday: Gary Hart 15, Walter Mondale 14, uncommitte­d 2.

Following an appeals hearing March 6 before the Arkansas Appeal Tribunal, unemployme­nt compensati­on benefits for former Pea Ridge City Marshall Loyd Pifer were approved in a decision mailed March 15.

The TIMES of Northeast Benton County Vol. 29 No. 12 Thursday, March 24, 1994

U.S. Representa­tive Tim Hutchison of Bentonvill­e was the guest speaker last Saturday morning at the Christian Men’s breakfast meeting at Mt. Vernon Presbyteri­an Church.

The final acquisitio­n of Southern Cablecom by Halcyon Communicat­ions should be made by the middle to last of next month, according to Lynn Harrison of Halcyon.

20 Years Ago The TIMES of Northeast Benton County Vol. 39 No. 12 Wednesday, March 24, 2004

It’s going to take more meetings but developer Franklin Miller may have finally given the Pea Ridge City Council an offer they can’t refuse on a new sewer trunk line west of town.

U.S. Rep. John Boozman, R-Ark., has announced he is a candidate for re-election.

He will again be a candidate for state representa­tive, Republican Jim Parsons of Bella Vista said Monday.

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